Meeting Minutes

Date8/26/2022Time8:00am – 10:00am
Meeting LocationPresident’s House, GorhamZoomNo
Board of Visitors
Rebecca Conrad (Chair)X Jana LapointX 
Julia Trujilo (Vice Chair)X Chris Lavoie X
Luc Nya XAdam Lee X
Muhidin Libah XJulia Sleeper X
Aimee Petrin XAnnie King X
Reid Crewe X   
Nasir Shir X   
Glenn Hutchinson X   
Michael Hyde X   
Neil Kiely X   
Ex-Officio Non-Voting Members
Dan CreweUSMF Representative X
Linda VerrillCorporate Partners Representative X
Bri DimasoStudent Body President X
 Student Senate Chair  
Sheltlon WaldrepFaculty Senate Chair X
Danielle LetourneauClassified Staff Senate Chair X
Marge JarryProfessional Staff Senate Representative X
Jennifer HutchinsMuskie BOVX 
 Maine School of Law BOV  
President’s Cabinet
Jaqueline Edmondson XJeanne Paquette X
Meaghan Arena XAlec Porteous X
Idella Glenn XAdam Tuchinsky X
Natalie Jones XAinsley Wallace X
Dominic Barraclough XDamian Medina X
Jo Williams XJeremy Qualls X
Invited Guests
Steven GregorySecretary to the USM BOV X 
  BOV Purpose and Relationship
  2022-2023 Topics of Interest and Agendas
  2022-2023 Nominees and Meeting Locations


President Edmondson Introduction

  • Spoke that USM, along with the rest of the system, down in enrollment and USM is focusing on retention to be a big factor for the University moving forward.
  • President’s outlook for the University and how it can best make an impact.
    • Moving USM forward to reach a large population

Beckie Conrad:

  • One piece the BOV has been missing; new members have not really had an orientation
  • Introductions and why members chose to serve on BOV?

Jana Lapoint:

  • Love USM School of Music and Athletics
  • Has insight into education landscape as a former Board member of the Community College System
  • Vocational/Community College background in Maine

Steven Gregory:

  • Attended a flagship and had a miserable experience. Looked for University that had a better student experience and forward people’s lives.

Jennifer Hutchins:

  • Navy daughter, traveled the world and desired to travel the world
  • Wanted to run a nonprofit, met with a Muskie professor, and asked their advice on which school to attend out of state. He said “you’ll make a bigger difference here, than anywhere else.”


  • Grew up in the “Birthplace of education” and sees the benefit in higher education and knows the state of Maine is a valuable asset in the nation.
    • Education is the bases for a civil society
    • Think about guiding principles of Higher Education and what USM’s value is
  • BOV has been impactful, but can be more thoughtful

Julia Trujillo:

  • Grew up in the Canary Islands, mother’s town only had school up to 3rd grade, a teacher saw her potential and supported her to continue her education.
  • USM became the opportunity for Julia, ran International Student Organization while she was a student
    • Wanted to open the gates for others

BOV Purpose and Relationship

  • The BOV is the eyes and ears of the community.
  • Desire to shift BOV meetings to a conversation style and a place to channel good ideas to actions
  • President Edmondson: Hope the BOV can help with Leadership Academy
  • Future of the world is changing
    • Companied involved in sending employees to school
    • Discussion about number of empty positions in different professions; government, teaching, etc.
  • Desire to hear more faculty stories
  • Jana: Members need buy-in, need to know what it means, and need something to do
    • Need to know about USM’s relationship with UM
      • President Edmondson: “USM is the campus that can grow”
  • Julia: Need to look at demographics, compared to other schools
    • Jennifer: Impact of Community Colleges
    • What’s getting missed in rural schools, that don’t see college as a possibility?
  • Jennifer: Because Maine has a low population, we have the ability to try different things.


  • Will be moving forward with Kelly Barton and Fowsia Musse, will take the year to prepare and refine process for the 2023-2024 year


  • Hold next meeting in Portland
  • Desire to hold meetings on all three campuses but will ask the Board at the next meeting on their thoughts.


  • Will need to seat a small group to review the bylaws.
Future Agenda Items
  Relationship with Muskie BOV
  Faculty Stories