Jerry Bowder Scholarship


A four year scholarship awarded to an entering student with outstanding potential, both academically and musically. Preference is given to a student with an interest in composition. This scholarship was established by the School of Music in 1998 in honor of Professor Emeritus Jerry Bowder, a member of the music faculty for 37 years until his retirement in 1997.


  • Student must be a music major.
  • Enrolled in at least 12 credits (Ugrd); 6 cr (Grad) per semester.
  • Preference given to, but not limited to a student interested in composition.
  • Maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.67 (Ugrd); 3.00 (Grad).
  • Enroll in applied music and appropriate ensembles.

Award Amount



February 28

How to Apply

Faculty Nomination on the basis of student application to USM and the student's Osher School of Music audition.

How to Renew

  • One year, renewable up to three additional years. (Ugrd)
  • One year, renewable up to one additional year. (Grad)


Christenia Alden-Kinne
103 Corthell Hall
207 780-5265
Disclaimer: Be sure to read the criteria for individual scholarships carefully. Most scholarships have enrollment and GPA requirements. Award amounts may vary each year and are subject to fund availability. As an NCAA Division III school, USM is prohibited from awarding scholarships based on athletic participation.