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Calendar of Events

Time Space

TimeSpace Take an adventure through time, as we explore the past and imagine the future of the cosmos. Witness the birth of the Universe, the doom of the dinosaurs, and be there for the first landing on the Moon!  EachRead More


Molecularium “Molecularium”: the award-winning digital dome experience, is a science lesson, a thrill-ride, and a magical musical adventure in a world of atoms and molecules. Aboard the Molecularium, audiences join a cast of atomic characters on an immersive and unforgettableRead More

Extrasolar Planets

  Exoplanets: Discovering New Worlds This exciting new show describes how astronomers search for planets circling other stars. It explains the two main methods they use: studying the minute “wobbles” of stars and detecting flickers in a star’s brightness. OnlyRead More

The Cowboy Astronomer

The Cowboy Astronomer The Cowboy Astronomer is a skillfully woven tapestry of star tales and Native American legends, combined with constellation identification, star-hopping, and astronomy tidbits — all told from the unique viewpoint of a cowboy astronomer who has traveledRead More

The Body Code/Neurodome

Body Code/Neurodome (No trailer. Our apologies.) A brain-body double feature.     The Body Code shrinks audiences down to minuscule proportions to discover the many workings of the human body from tip to toe.     The second presentation, Neuro dome, introduces usRead More

Living Worlds

Living Worlds Earth is a planet shaped by life. From the forests that help stabilize our climate, to the winds carrying life-sustaining water and oxygen to far-flung parts of the globe, the fingerprints of life are visible even from manyRead More

Lars the Little Polar Bear

Lars the Little Polar Bear What happens when a frisky little polar bear named Lars ventures out on the first day of spring? He explores his Arctic home, meets new friends, and saves some endangered whales. Lars the Little PolarRead More

Mid Summer’s Eve at Stonehenge

On the night before each solstice, we present our Stonehenge lecture. What was the purpose of the world’s most famous megalithic monument?  Who constructed it and how? Was Stonehenge an astronomical observatory, a ritual center or both…or neither? Lawrence Price,Read More

Astronomy: 3000 Years of Stargazing

Astronomy: 3000 Years of Stargazing Astronomy is often called the “oldest science.” This program follows the progression of astronomy to its infancy with Stonehenge, Thales and Ptolemy to the modern day developments of the Hubble Space Telescope. A perfect blendRead More

Moons: Worlds of Mystery

Moons: Worlds of Mystery When you consider the solar system, you often think of the Sun and its planets. But what about moons? What role do they play? Find out in Moons: Worlds of Mystery, a show from the CharlesRead More