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- Institution: University of Southern Maine
- Term: 2025 Spring
- Session: WinterSession
ACC 105 Show Me the Money
At its heart, accounting is all about following the money. This class will examine in detail the practical importance of understanding how money moves so that more informed financial decisions can be made. Students will learn about creating a personal budget, evaluating the interest you pay on loans and credit cards, completing a personal tax return, making sense of financial statement information, determining the viability of pursuing business ideas, and identifying fraudulent activities. In addition to traditional lectures, there will also be interactive games and guest speakers from local businesses. Come and explore how following the money can lead to financial success! Cr. 3.
Section(s):Class Number: 42058
Credits: 3
Class Component: Lecture
Section: 0001
Dates: 1/21/2025 - 5/2/2025
Status: Open
Instructor(s): Lisa M Dunbar
Enrollment: 27 of 40 seats
Location: Portland USM Campus
Instruction Method: On Site Class
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MondayWednesday 2:00 PM - 3:15 PM | Luther Bonney 241 - P | 1/21/2025 - 5/2/2025 | Lisa M Dunbar |
ACC 110 Financial Accounting Information for Decision Making
This course is designed to help students appreciate the role of accountants in providing information helpful to decisions of investors, creditors, government regulators, and others, and how that information can be used. Emphasis is on understanding the meaning and value of the balance sheet, income statement, and statement of cash flows. The role of the auditor, internal controls, and ethical issues are examined. The annual report is used to explore how corporations apply accounting principles in presentations to the public. Prerequisites: a minimum of 12 earned credit hours, and MAT 101 with a grade of 'C' or better or have appropriate placement test scores (SAT Math Score >= 570 or Accuplacer QAS >= 263 or ALEKS Math test score >=46) or C- or higher in MAT 108 or MAT 140 or MAT 152. Cr. 3.
Section(s):Class Number: 40713
Credits: 3
Class Component: Lecture
Section: 0001
Dates: 1/21/2025 - 5/2/2025
Status: Open
Instructor(s): Stephen Charles Hansen
Enrollment: 34 of 40 seats
Location: Portland USM Campus
Instruction Method: On Site Class
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Prerequisites: Prerequisites: Minimum of 12 earned credit hours; completion of MAT 101 with a grade of C or higher, or C- or higher in MAT 108 or MAT 140 or MAT 152, or have appropriate placement test scores.
TuesdayThursday 12:30 PM - 1:45 PM | Luther Bonney 510 - P | 1/21/2025 - 5/2/2025 | Stephen Charles Hansen |
Class Number: 40715
Credits: 3
Class Component: Lecture
Section: 0003
Dates: 1/21/2025 - 5/2/2025
Status: Open
Instructor(s): Stephen Charles Hansen
Enrollment: 39 of 40 seats
Location: Portland USM Campus
Instruction Method: On Site Class
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Prerequisites: Prerequisites: Minimum of 12 earned credit hours; completion of MAT 101 with a grade of C or higher, or C- or higher in MAT 108 or MAT 140 or MAT 152, or have appropriate placement test scores.
MondayWednesday 9:30 AM - 10:45 AM | Luther Bonney 326 - P | 1/21/2025 - 5/2/2025 | Stephen Charles Hansen |
ACC 211 Managerial Accounting Information for Decision Making
This course will provide students with the opportunity to learn basic concepts and accounting systems involved in the use of managerial accounting information in making planning and control decisions in organizations. Basic concepts include different types of costs (e.g., direct, indirect, fixed, variable, and relevant costs). Basic accounting systems include systems for cost allocation (e.g., job-order costing, activity-based costing), planning (e.g., cost-volume-profit analysis, master budget), and control (e.g., flexible budgets, variance analysis, responsibility accounting, performance measurement). Prerequisites: ACC 110 (C- or higher) and sophomore standing. Cr 3.
Section(s):Class Number: 40716
Credits: 3
Class Component: Lecture
Section: 0001
Dates: 1/21/2025 - 5/2/2025
Status: Open
Instructor(s): Donald A Ladd
Enrollment: 31 of 40 seats
Location: Portland USM Campus
Instruction Method: On Site Class
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Prerequisites: Prerequisites: ACC 110 (C- or better) and Sophomore standing
MondayWednesday 12:30 PM - 1:45 PM | Luther Bonney 410 - P | 1/21/2025 - 5/2/2025 | Donald A Ladd |
Class Number: 40717
Credits: 3
Class Component: Lecture
Section: 0002
Dates: 1/21/2025 - 5/2/2025
Status: Open
Instructor(s): Donald A Ladd
Enrollment: 35 of 40 seats
Location: Web/Online
Instruction Method: Online/Online
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Prerequisites: Prerequisites: ACC 110 (C- or better) and Sophomore standing
n/a | Online | 1/21/2025 - 5/2/2025 | Donald A Ladd |
ACC 295 Internship in Accounting
An internship course in accounting. Prerequisites: sophomore standing, School of Business major, 2.5 GPA or higher, and permission of a School of Business advisor and instructor. Enrollment is normally limited to accounting majors who have not completed degree requirements. Majors are limited to a maximum of nine internship credits toward the degree; this course counts for general elective credit only. Variable credit, 1-3 credits, 47 internship hours/credit hour. Repeatable up to a total of 3 credits. Pass/Fail.
Section(s):Class Number: 41966
Credits: 1 - 3
Class Component: Field Experience
Section: 0001
Dates: 1/21/2025 - 5/2/2025
Status: Open
Instructor(s): TBA
Enrollment: 0 of 5 seats
Location: USM - Other
Instruction Method: By Arrangement
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n/a | Arranged | 1/21/2025 - 5/2/2025 | TBA |
ACC 301 Financial Reporting I
An examination of the conceptual framework, the primary financial statements, and the methods and rationale for recording and reporting assets. Emphasis is on the effect of present and potential economic events on the financial statements. The course discusses the advantages, limitations and deficiencies associated with generally accepted principles in connection with presenting decision useful information. Prerequisites: ACC 110 (C- or higher), ACC 211 (C- or higher), and junior standing. Majors in the fall 2020 or later catalog are encouraged to complete the pre-bus core with a min. of C- or higher before taking any 300/400 Business courses. See enrollment policy for eligibility or contact the School of Business. Cr 3.
Section(s):Class Number: 40718
Credits: 3
Class Component: Lecture
Section: 0001
Dates: 1/21/2025 - 5/2/2025
Status: Open
Instructor(s): Donald A Ladd
Enrollment: 19 of 40 seats
Location: Portland USM Campus
Instruction Method: On Site Class
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Prerequisites: Prereq: ACC 110 or 201 (with C- or better), ACC 211 or 202 (with C- or better), School of Business majors & JR standing or Accounting cert. students. Majors in fall 2020 or later catalog are encouraged to complete pre-bus core with min of C- or higher.
MondayWednesday 3:30 PM - 4:45 PM | Payson Smith 44 - P | 1/21/2025 - 5/2/2025 | Donald A Ladd |
ACC 302 Financial Reporting II
An examination of the methods and rationale for recording liabilities and equity. The course also examines the statement of cash flows. Emphasis is on the effect of present and potential economic events on the primary financial statements. The course discusses the advantages, limitations, and deficiencies associated with generally accepted principles in connection with presenting decision-useful information. Prerequisites: ACC 301, FIN 320 (C or higher), and junior standing. Cr 3. Majors in the fall 2020 or later catalog are encouraged to complete the pre-bus core with a min. of a C- or higher before taking any 300/400 Business course. See enrollment policy for eligibility or contact the School of Business.
Section(s):Class Number: 40719
Credits: 3
Class Component: Lecture
Section: 0001
Dates: 1/21/2025 - 5/2/2025
Status: Open
Instructor(s): Stephen Charles Hansen
Enrollment: 14 of 40 seats
Location: Portland USM Campus
Instruction Method: On Site Class
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Prerequisites: Prereq: ACC 301,FIN 320 (min C) and School of Business majors with JR standing, Accounting minors with JR standing, or Accounting Certificate students. Majors in fall 2020 or later catalog are encouraged to complete pre-bus core with min of C- or higher
Wednesday 5:00 PM - 7:30 PM | Payson Smith 42 - P | 1/21/2025 - 5/2/2025 | Stephen Charles Hansen |
ACC 315 Estate Planning
This course focuses on family tax planning issues including federal tax law and policy affecting the transfer of wealth. Students will develop an understanding of the United States Federal unified transfer tax system for gifts and estate transfers, including exclusions and exemptions. This course will also review valuation methodology for asset transfers including real estate and business interests. Students will get an introduction to estate planning, including basic documents, gift tax, estate tax, asset transfers during life and at death. Students will also be introduced to trusts used in estate planning. Prerequisites: ACC 110 (C- or higher) and junior status. Majors in the fall 2020 or later catalog are encouraged to complete the pre-bus core with a min. of a C- or higher before taking any 300/400 Business course. See enrollment policy for eligibility or contact the School of Business. Cr. 3.
Section(s):Class Number: 42117
Credits: 3
Class Component: Lecture
Section: 0001
Dates: 1/21/2025 - 5/2/2025
Status: Closed
Instructor(s): Derek T Tharp
Enrollment: 13 of 40 seats
Location: Web/Online
Instruction Method: Online/Online
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Prerequisites: Prerequisites: ACC 110 (C- or higher) and junior status. Majors in the fall 2020 or later catalog are encouraged to complete the pre-bus core with a min. of a C- or higher
n/a | Online | 1/21/2025 - 5/2/2025 | Derek T Tharp |
ACC 329 Accounting Information Systems
This course explores the theory and tools needed to select, use, set up internal controls for, and obtain information from accounting systems. The basic debits and credits of double-entry accounting are reviewed using a manual practice set that includes preparing typical business documents. The business activities performed in the expenditure, production, and revenue cycles are covered together with the documents, internal controls, and reporting needs relevant to each cycle. Significant emphasis is placed on the effects of error on financial reports, the controls needed to prevent and detect errors in accounting systems, and the correction of system errors. The use of small business accounting software is introduced. Students use accounting software to set up accounts, process transactions, and produce managerial and standard financial accounting reports. Offered both in the fall and spring semesters. Prerequisites: ACC 211 (C- or higher), BUS 241 (C- or higher), and junior standing. Majors in the fall 2020 or later catalog must complete the pre-bus core with a min. of a C- or higher before taking any 300/400 Business course. See enrollment policy for eligibility or contact the School of Business. Cr 3.
Section(s):Class Number: 41480
Credits: 3
Class Component: Lecture
Section: 0001
Dates: 1/21/2025 - 5/2/2025
Status: Open
Instructor(s): Lisa M Dunbar
Enrollment: 20 of 30 seats
Location: Web/Online
Instruction Method: Online/Online
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Prerequisites: Prerequisites: ACC 211 (C- or better), BUS 241 (C- or higher), School of Business majors, Jr Standing, or Accounting certificate students. Majors in fall 2020 or later catalog are encouraged to complete the pre-bus core with a min. of a C- or higher.
n/a | Online | 1/21/2025 - 5/2/2025 | Lisa M Dunbar |
ACC 395 Internship I
The first internship course in accounting is described in the general School of Business catalog text. Prerequisites: junior standing, 2.5 GPA or higher, and permission of a School of Business advisor and instructor. Enrollment is normally limited to accounting majors or minors who have not completed degree requirements. Majors could use 3 internship credits as part of their 15-credit major as well as 3 internship credits as part of their required 9-credits of SB 300+ elective courses. Students can receive a maximum of 6 internship credits which count toward SB requirements. Other internship credits would be counted as general electives. Majors are limited to a maximum of nine internship credits toward the degree; minors are limited to a maximum of three internship credits. Pass/fail. Cr 3.
Section(s):Class Number: 41000
Credits: 3
Class Component: Field Experience
Section: 0001
Dates: 1/21/2025 - 5/2/2025
Status: Open
Instructor(s): Donald A Ladd
Enrollment: 2 of 5 seats
Location: USM - Other
Instruction Method: By Arrangement
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n/a | Arranged | 1/21/2025 - 5/2/2025 | Donald A Ladd |
Class Number: 41001
Credits: 3
Class Component: Field Experience
Section: 0002
Dates: 1/21/2025 - 5/2/2025
Status: Open
Instructor(s): Stephen Charles Hansen
Enrollment: 1 of 5 seats
Location: USM - Other
Instruction Method: By Arrangement
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n/a | Arranged | 1/21/2025 - 5/2/2025 | Stephen Charles Hansen |
ACC 396 Internship II
This is the second internship course in accounting. Prerequisites: 2.5 GPA or higher, and permission of a School of Business advisor and instructor. Enrollment is normally limited to accounting majors who have not completed degree requirements. See ACC 395 for requirements. Pass/fail. Cr 3.
Section(s):Class Number: 41004
Credits: 3
Class Component: Field Experience
Section: 0001
Dates: 1/21/2025 - 5/2/2025
Status: Open
Instructor(s): Stephen Charles Hansen
Enrollment: 1 of 5 seats
Location: USM - Other
Instruction Method: By Arrangement
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n/a | Arranged | 1/21/2025 - 5/2/2025 | Stephen Charles Hansen |
Class Number: 41005
Credits: 3
Class Component: Field Experience
Section: 0002
Dates: 1/21/2025 - 5/2/2025
Status: Open
Instructor(s): Rozhin Yousefvand-Mansouri
Enrollment: 0 of 5 seats
Location: USM - Other
Instruction Method: By Arrangement
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n/a | Arranged | 1/21/2025 - 5/2/2025 | Rozhin Yousefvand-Mansouri |
Class Number: 41006
Credits: 3
Class Component: Field Experience
Section: 0003
Dates: 1/21/2025 - 5/2/2025
Status: Open
Instructor(s): Donald A Ladd
Enrollment: 1 of 5 seats
Location: USM - Other
Instruction Method: By Arrangement
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n/a | Arranged | 1/21/2025 - 5/2/2025 | Donald A Ladd |
Class Number: 41007
Credits: 3
Class Component: Field Experience
Section: 0004
Dates: 1/21/2025 - 5/2/2025
Status: Open
Instructor(s): Lisa M Dunbar
Enrollment: 3 of 5 seats
Location: USM - Other
Instruction Method: By Arrangement
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n/a | Arranged | 1/21/2025 - 5/2/2025 | Lisa M Dunbar |
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