Christine Maher, PhD
- Dean of the College of Science, Technology, and Health
- Professor of Biology

Science Building, Room 178, Portland Campus
Science Building, Room 201, Portland Campus
- PhD Animal Behavior, University of California, Davis
- MS Zoology, University of Idaho
- BS Zoology, Miami University
Research Interests
My research interests lie in the field of behavioral ecology and, more specifically, mammalian social behavior and social organization, in which I adopt a field-oriented approach to my research. For many years, I have examined the role that ecological conditions (e.g., food resources) play in shaping the behavior patterns of animals and, in turn, a population's spatial organization.
In 1998, I began working with woodchucks, animals whose relatives are much more social than they are. Little research has been done on these animals since the 1960s and late 1980s, so a great deal remains to be learned. I am interested in the evolution of social behavior in mammals, and these animals can be used to test various ideas about why other marmot species are more social.
Dr. Christine Maher began serving as Dean of the College of Science, Technology, and Health in 2024 after nine years as Associate Dean. Dr. Maher joined the Biology Department at USM in 1997 after 5 years on the faculty at Montana State University – Billings. She is a behavioral ecologist who studies variation in social behavior in mammals. Since 1998, she has conducted a long-term behavioral study of woodchucks in southern Maine.
Dr. Maher regularly teaches the second-semester course, which focuses on organismal biology (BIO 107), in the introductory sequence, and she also teaches Vertebrate Zoology (BIO 353) and Animal Behavior (BIO 405/505, 406/506).
Selected Publications
Masters, H. and Maher, C. R. 2022. Diet reveals potential for competition and coexistence in coyotes (Canis latrans), red foxes (Vulpes vulpes), and gray foxes (Urocyon cinereoargenteus). Canadian Journal of Zoology. 100:90-97.
Maher, C.R., Evangelista, B., Sponarski, C., and Lichtenwalner, A. 2020. Managing woodchucks on your Maine property. University of Maine Cooperative Extension. Bulletin #7514.
Lankist, Z. and Maher, C. R. 2020. Snowshoe hare feeding behavior responds to coyote and moose cues at diverse vegetation densities. Journal of Mammalogy. 101:710-717. DOI:10.1093/jmammal/gyaa025.
Maher, C. R. 2018. Territoriality. In: Encyclopedia of Animal Cognition and Behavior (J. Vonk and T. K. Shackelford, eds.). Springer.

Science Building, Room 178, Portland Campus
Science Building, Room 201, Portland Campus
- PhD Animal Behavior, University of California, Davis
- MS Zoology, University of Idaho
- BS Zoology, Miami University
Research Interests
My research interests lie in the field of behavioral ecology and, more specifically, mammalian social behavior and social organization, in which I adopt a field-oriented approach to my research. For many years, I have examined the role that ecological conditions (e.g., food resources) play in shaping the behavior patterns of animals and, in turn, a population's spatial organization.
In 1998, I began working with woodchucks, animals whose relatives are much more social than they are. Little research has been done on these animals since the 1960s and late 1980s, so a great deal remains to be learned. I am interested in the evolution of social behavior in mammals, and these animals can be used to test various ideas about why other marmot species are more social.