Rob Stevenson
Administrative Assistant

Abromson Community Education Center
88 Bedford Street
Portland, ME 04104
The author of two thrillers published by Penguin Putnam in the mid-1990s, Rob Stevenson has led a life of outdoor adventure as a rock climber, fly fishing instructor, saltwater fly fisherman, and deep cold water wreck diver.
Among the shipwrecks he’s explored are the German submarines U-853 and U-869, the World War I armored cruiser USS San Diego, and the most dangerous shipwreck of all, the Italian luxury liner Andrea Doria, which lies in 260 feet of water, twice the maximum depth limit set by the certifying agencies for recreational diving.
Thanks to these adventures and a couple of book tours, Rob has been featured in People Magazine and on National Public Radio, Inside Edition, ABC News and Television Australia, and Good Morning Shows from New York to Los Angeles.

Abromson Community Education Center
88 Bedford Street
Portland, ME 04104