On Thursday, September 12th, 2024, Westbook middle school students and guests gathered at Westbrook Performing Arts Center to celebrate the Pine Project, a joint project between I’m Your Neighbor Books and the Maine Department of Education.
Dr. Peter Lancia, superintendent of Westbrook Public Schools, USM graduate, and part-time USM faculty, welcomed everyone to this magnificent event.
Led by Melanie Junkins, USM graduate, USM part-time faculty, and Multilingual and Bilingual Education Specialist at the Maine Department of Education, the Maine DOE has purchased Welcoming Libraries for every SAU in the state of Maine (over 6,000 books). The Welcoming Libraries (from I’m Your Neighbor books) and beautifully designed wooden bookcases from Maine lumber are part of the Pine Project. The books are carefully selected to celebrate the cultures and languages of New Mainers in our state. I’m Your Neighbor books is a local non-profit and the director is Kirsten Cappy.
photos Mark Mattos photography