Dr. Heather Reichmuth has recently had several research focused manuscripts accepted for
publication. Dr. Reichmuth’s manuscript, Family Language Policy in Tension: Conflicting
Language Ideologies and Translanguaging Practices in Multilingual Families will be published in
the prestigious peer-reviewed International Journal of Bilingualism. In the paper she argues that
parents need to take a translanguaging stance to support their children’s bilingual identities and
push back on monolingual ideologies.
Dr. Reichmuth’s co-authored chapter with Dr. Lucia Cárdenas Curiel, Transmodal Family
Literacies: Familial Cariño Practices Sustaining Children’s Bilingualism and Biliteracy
Development has been accepted for publication in the International Handbook of Literacies in
Families and Communities. This chapter describes how two families supported their children’s
bilingual and biliteracy development during COVID-19 lockdowns through transmodal
(multimodal) means.
Dr. Reichmuth and Dr. Cárdenas also co-authored, Bilingual Literacy Calaveras: Mediating
Poetry Writing for Elementary Bilingual Learners has been accepted for publication in the
Translanguaging Perspectives on Writing Development and Pedagogy: Learning from Findings
Across Contexts. Drawing on data taken from an elementary dual language program, the chapter
examines how a teacher integrated literary calaveras (poems) to support students’ socio-
emotional health.
In another co-authored chapter written from data collected from a National Association for
Family School and Community Engagement (NAFSCE) Grant, Dr. Reichmuth and colleagues
had the manuscript, “I didn’t learn anything about families”: In service teachers’ reflections and
recommendations about teacher preparation experiences” accepted for publication in the
International Handbook of Literacies in Families and Communities. In the chapter, Dr.
Reichmuth and her colleagues describe how preservice teacher programs are not preparing future
teachers enough to work with families and argue for changes within programs.
Finally, Dr. Reichmuth and co-author Dr. Taeyeon Kim were invited to write a Q & A on their
upcoming American Educational Research Association (AERA) presentation, Transnational
Perspectives on Education Change where they talk about the integration of more transnational
perspectives brought into educational settings in the AERA Educational Change Newsletter.
Reichmuth, H.L. (2024). Family language policy in tension: Conflicting language ideologies
and translanguaging practices in multilingual families. International Journal of
Reichmuth, H.L. & Cárdenas, L.C. (in press). Transmodal family literacies: Familial cariño
practices sustaining children’s bilingualism and biliteracy development. In Edwards, P.A.,
Compton-Lilly, C., & Li, G. (Eds.), International handbook of literacies in families and
communities. Edward Elgar Publishing.
Cárdenas, L.C., & Reichmuth, H.L. (in press). Bilingual literary calaveras: Mediating poetry
writing for elementary bilingual learners. In Gort, M., Zapata, A., Seltzer, K., Gomez, M.
(Eds.), Translanguaging Perspectives on Writing Development and Pedagogy: Learning
from Findings Across Contexts
Edwards, P.A., Peltier, M. R., Sweeney, J., Reichmuth, H.L., White, K., Castle, A., & Rice, D.
(in press). “I didn’t learn anything about families: In-service teachers’ reflections and
recommendations about teacher preparation experiences. In Edwards, P.A., Compton-
Lilly, C., & Li, G. (Eds.), International handbook of literacies in families and
communities. Edward Elgar Publishing.
Reichmuth, H.L. & Kim, T. (in press). Transnational Perspectives on Educational Change.
AERA Education Change SIG Newsletter.