Parking validation: 4 hours

posted in: Accordion

Step-by-step parking validation using HONK

Once you park, look for a PAY HERE sign with a QR code.

You don’t need to download the HonkMobile app. However, push notifications related to your parking session are only available through the app.

If you choose to add more time to your session, you’ll need to pay our standard fees.

If you can’t find a PAY HERE sign, we have QR codes you can scan at our Welcome Centers on both the Gorham and Portland campuses.

A PAY HERE parking sign on our Gorham campus.

Our signs have a section that reads, “No free parking at any time” without validation. As an Admissions guest, we have a promo code to validate (waive) your parking fees during your campus visit.

Omit any spaces, dots, dashes, hearts, stars, handprints, etc.

A screenshot of the HONK parking app with the Plate Number field circled.

As an Admissions guest, you can get up to 4 hours of free parking with our promo code.

If you don’t plan to be on campus for a full 4 hours, we recommend that you err on the side of too much time for your parking session.

A screenshot of the HONK parking app with the Choose Rate field circled.
A screenshot of the HONK parking app with 4 Hours circled.
A screenshot of the HONK parking app with 4 Hours selected and the Add Promo field circled.
A screenshot of the HONK parking app with 4 Hours selected and the Promo field circled.
* The ADMISNB promo code can only be used 7 times per license plate. Each campus counts as 1 visit (Gorham, Portland, and Lewiston). If you plan to visit us more than seven 7 times, contact us to request additional parking validation.

Make sure to start your session within 10 minutes of parking your vehicle.

A screenshot of the HONK parking app with 4 Hours selected, the Promo code entered, and the Park for Free button circled.

You can download the HonkMobile app on your mobile device but this is not a required step.

Installing the app allows you to store vehicle and/or payment information if you choose. You can also turn on notifications to alert you when your session is about to expire.

A screenshot of the HonkMobile listing in the Apple App Store.