USM Transfer Residence Hall Scholarship


  • Awarded to transfer students who have indicated their intention to live on campus at time of application.
  • Annual Award:
    • Transfer Students From Maine Community College System $2,000
    • Transfer Students From Other Schools $1,000 
  • Scholarships are payable in equal amounts for fall and spring semesters.


  • Students must complete a USM application and indicate housing interest at time of application.
  • Students must take a minimum of 12 credits during Fall and Spring semesters.
  • Scholarship eligibility requires living on campus.
  • Only first time Bachelor's Degree seekers are eligible for this scholarship.

Award Amount

Annual award amount $1,000-$2,000


April 1

How to Apply

All qualified incoming transfer students who complete a USM application, and who have indicated housing interest at time of application, will be considered.

How to Renew

  • Maintain full-time enrollment (minimum 12 credits Fall and Spring semesters) .
  • Continued status as a residential student.
  • Housing Scholarships to transfer students with 30 or more transferrable credits can be used for a maximum of six (6) semesters within a period of four (4) years, commencing with the term of initial enrollment.
  • Housing Scholarships to transfer students with fewer than 30 transferrable credits can be used for a maximum of eight (8) semesters within a period of five (5) years, commencing with the term of initial enrollment.

Questions on renewal should be directed to Nancy Varin via email or call 207-780-5330.


Britney Mitchell
Director of Admissions
Disclaimer: Be sure to read the criteria for individual scholarships carefully. Most scholarships have enrollment and GPA requirements. Award amounts may vary each year and are subject to fund availability. As an NCAA Division III school, USM is prohibited from awarding scholarships based on athletic participation.