Special Collections supports the needs of its patrons by providing reproductions of its materials. Reproduction fees cover costs of staff time and material. We will offer two methods of reproducing material, photocopy, and digital reproduction. Our services are dependent on our staffing and equipment. Whether material can be reproduced will be decided on a case-by-case basis with the physical protection of the material as the most important factor.

Fees of less than $2.00 may be waived at the department’s discretion.

  1. The patron selects material and reproduction is authorized by Special Collections staff. Verbal agreement is sufficient for small jobs. For larger jobs, use Request for Reproductions and Permission to Use Form
  2. If the material is to be used in a public forum a Request for Reproductions and Permission to Use Form must be filled out and signed before copies are delivered.
  3. The Special Collections staff will schedule the work and arrange for its receipt.
  4. Fees must be paid before work is delivered. (Note: checks should be made out to University of Southern Maine.)

All work will be done by Special Collections staff. 

Schedule of Fees and Services


$.15 per page 
This is subject to change and reflects the USM Libraries Photocopy fee ($.10) plus $.05 per page.

Digital Files

 $2.00 for the first image or page, $.25 for each additional page or image

 Use Fees

 a. not-for-profit use, $40
 b. for-profit use, $100