Utilize this site to plan your degree experience through graduation. Your path to success is assisted by knowing your course sequence and how your major and educational opportunities relate to your personal and professional goals.

Current students can access previous academic planning documents by major via the MyUSM Portal Advising Webpage.

Check the USM Catalog for your course requirements and applicable prerequisites. Remember that your requirements are dependent on the year you were admitted to USM! So, if you started at USM in Fall 2022, your catalog year is 2022-2023. If you started in Spring 2022, your catalog year is 2021-2022, and so on and so forth.

Check out the current catalog and catalog archives here!

In addition to knowing your major and core requirements, you’ll need to know when a course is typically offered in order to make sure you take it at the correct time to graduate by your goal date! Check in with your faculty advisor or with the major department to review when they offer their courses.

Use this blank academic map to map out your courses semester by semester. Be sure to include your major-specific courses, university core requirements, and any general electives you may need to meet the minimum 120 credits required for graduation. You want to aim for 30 credits per year to achieve your degree in the typical four-year timeline.