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Artist Talk: Benjamin Gross Underlying & Mini Meanings-Serigraphs

Benjamin Gross

Underlying & Mini Meanings – Serigraphs

Reception, artist talk, and gallery tour
Monda October 20235pm-7 pm

University Events Room
7th Floor Glickman Library


Artist Statement

e exhibition includes my “Underlying Meanings” and “Mini Meanings” series
of editions. Each print incorporates hand-drawn transparencies, hole punch registry
, and hand-printed image formulations. “Underlying Meanings” is a combination of
abstract compositions that use color theory (primary/secondary colors) to create the
illusion of transparency and color mixing. e non-objective compositions illustrate
how humans perceive color and the visual effects of how overlapping colors mix,
balance, or contrast with each other. For example, my serigraph “Well Rounded”
incorporates the literal definition of integrating a smooth and or curved shape. But it
also conveys secondary and tertiary translations of being pleasurably varied and
balanced. My artwork allows the viewer to nd parallels between the abstract subject
matter and their own experience/perception. A comparison can then be constructed
through the infused titles and compositions that are interpreted. e “Mini
Meanings” series is an offshoot of my “Underlying Meanings’ series of prints. In
addition to prints with primary and secondary colors, “Mini Meanings” includes
designs that also incorporate varied color schemes.

Artists Biography

Benjamin Gross, Chairperson, Professor in the Art + Design Department at Salem
State University in Salem, MA, since 1997, earned a Bachelor of Fine Arts from the
University of Delaware and a Master of Fine Arts from Cranbrook Academy of Art.
He is a member of the Boston Printmakers. His work has been exhibited in regional,
national, and international solo and group exhibitions. Benjamin’s artwork is
exhibited daily on his website and Instagram.


October 16, 2023
5:00 PM – 7:00 PM


University Events Room, 7th floor — Glickman Library
314 Forest Ave
Portland, ME 04101 United States