Haydn, Beethoven, and Boulogne
South Portland High School 637 Highland Ave South Portland, ME 04106 637 Highland Ave, South PortlandWeek of Events
Imagine the Moon
Imagine the Moon
The moon has inspired humanity scientifically, philosophically, mathematically and poetically. This new planetarium program takes us to see the moon up close! We explore its terrain, understand its origin and learn how it has influenced us throughout human history
University of Southern Maine Baseball vs Massachusetts Institute of Technology
University of Southern Maine Baseball vs Massachusetts Institute of Technology
University of Southern Maine Baseball vs Massachusetts Institute of Technology Streaming Video: https://www.littleeast.tv/southernmaine/
The Great Planet Adventures
The Great Planet Adventures
With muscles and bones made on Earth, you’ll be a super star on the solar system’s low-gravity worlds. The Great Planet Adventures brings you each of these incredible off-world adventures.
The Great Planet Adventures
The Great Planet Adventures
With muscles and bones made on Earth, you’ll be a super star on the solar system’s low-gravity worlds. The Great Planet Adventures brings you each of these incredible off-world adventures.
University of Southern Maine Baseball vs Husson University
University of Southern Maine Baseball vs Husson University
University of Southern Maine Baseball vs Husson University Streaming Video: https://www.littleeast.tv/southernmaine/
The Great Planet Adventures
The Great Planet Adventures
With muscles and bones made on Earth, you’ll be a super star on the solar system’s low-gravity worlds. The Great Planet Adventures brings you each of these incredible off-world adventures.
University of Southern Maine Baseball at Bates College
University of Southern Maine Baseball at Bates College
University of Southern Maine Baseball at Bates College
Haydn, Beethoven, and Boulogne
Haydn, Beethoven, and Boulogne
Jeffrey Mosher will conduct the Southern Maine Symphony Orchestra as his final Master of Music capstone requirement. Robert Lehmann will be the soloist in Joseph de Boulogne's Violin concerto in G Major. PROGRAM Ludwig van Beethoven | Overture to The … Read More
Hear the story of the spread of people out of Southeast Asia throughout the Pacific over thousands of years. They discovered thousands of islands and learned to move between them using only the signs of the natural world around them, … Read More
Coffee and Crosswords
Coffee and Crosswords
Calling all mini crossword fans! Start your Fridays off right with the New York Times Mini Crossword (and share your time, if you’re the competitive type) in the Virtual VRC. Sudoku fans also welcome, and coffee, while not provided virtually, … Read More
University of Southern Maine Baseball vs Western Connecticut State
University of Southern Maine Baseball vs Western Connecticut State
University of Southern Maine Baseball vs Western Connecticut State Streaming Video: https://www.littleeast.tv/southernmaine/
Hear the story of the spread of people out of Southeast Asia throughout the Pacific over thousands of years. They discovered thousands of islands and learned to move between them using only the signs of the natural world around them, … Read More
University of Southern Maine Baseball vs Western Connecticut State
University of Southern Maine Baseball vs Western Connecticut State
University of Southern Maine Baseball vs Western Connecticut State Streaming Video: https://www.littleeast.tv/southernmaine/
University of Southern Maine Softball vs Western Connecticut State
University of Southern Maine Softball vs Western Connecticut State
University of Southern Maine Softball vs Western Connecticut State Streaming Video: https://www.littleeast.tv/southernmaine/
Hear the story of the spread of people out of Southeast Asia throughout the Pacific over thousands of years. They discovered thousands of islands and learned to move between them using only the signs of the natural world around them, … Read More
University of Southern Maine Softball vs Western Connecticut State
University of Southern Maine Softball vs Western Connecticut State
University of Southern Maine Softball vs Western Connecticut State Streaming Video: https://www.littleeast.tv/southernmaine/