Hussey Leadership Institute 2025!

Please join us for the eighth annual Timothy B. Hussey Leadership Institute: Leading the Future event, taking place April 7 and 8, 2025, at USM’s Abromson Center. This year’s program promises to be an inspiring exploration of what leadership will look like in the years ahead.

Day 1 (2:00 – 5:00 PM)

Keynote Address: Gain valuable insights into the future of leadership at work. (Stay tuned for our exciting keynote speaker announcement!)

USM Leadership Spotlight: Hear updates on the accomplishments of USM’s leadership programs, faculty, and students.

Day 2 (2:00 – 5:00 PM)

Community Conversations: Participate in breakout discussions that will help shape the future of leadership in Maine and guide the direction of the Hussey Leadership Institute.

Topics include:

Leading the Economic Future

Leading the Workforce of Tomorrow

Leading for Diversity

Leading and Managing

Leading and Technology

Leading for Creativity and Innovation

Hussey Leadership Institute Video