If you have any inquiries about the Confidential Resource Advisor (CRA) role or how a CRA can support you, this is your go-to resource for clarity.

A Confidential Resource Advisor (CRA) is a trained professional who provides confidential support and resources to individuals affected by various issues, including but not limited to sexual violence, domestic/dating violence, and stalking.

Confidential Resource Advisors are available to all members of the University of Maine System community, including students, faculty, and staff.

CRAs offer confidential and empathetic support, guidance, and resources to individuals impacted by sexual violence, domestic/dating violence, and stalking. They can help with understanding reporting options, accessing resources, and navigating available support services.

Currently, the University of Maine System does not employ CRAs that are licensed counselors or therapists. We will listen to, empathize with, and support you, but we won’t provide you therapeutic services. We can, however, connect you to counselors who may be able to provide you that type of care.

No, CRAs are not available to provide support 24/7. If you are in need of support outside of working hours, please contact a 24/7 helpline staffed by trained advocates by visiting the Crisis Support and Helplines page.

For emergency situations, contact 911 for immediate assistance.

No. Because CRAs are confidential resources, we are not required to file a complaint or report on your behalf*. If you decide you do want to report, we can help you with the process.

*To maintain confidentiality of the individuals we serve, Confidential Resource Advisors (CRAs) are not mandatory reporters (External Site) except in limited situations, such as disclosures of child abuse/neglect, disclosures from individuals under the age of 18 years old, or disclosures from incapacitated or dependent adults.

Yes. When someone you care about is a survivor, you don’t always know what to say or do. We can help you navigate this difficult situation. We also want you to have support. You likely have been affected by what happened. Getting help will enable you to be strong for your loved one and for yourself.

Due to their responsibilities, Deputy/Title IX Coordinators will respect your privacy to the fullest extent possible but are not mandated to keep your information confidential. CRAs are familiar with Title IX policies and procedures, but act as a separate entity from Title IX and are mandated by the state to provide confidentiality to students and employees we support.

Information shared with a CRA is kept confidential and will not be shared, with limited exceptions as required by law*. CRAs prioritize creating a safe and supportive space for individuals seeking assistance.

*To maintain confidentiality of the individuals we serve, Confidential Resource Advisors (CRAs) are not mandatory reporters (External Site) except in limited situations, such as disclosures of child abuse/neglect, disclosures from individuals under the age of 18 years old, or disclosures from incapacitated or dependent adults.

The CRA can help make the following accommodations:

  • Connections to additional confidential and private resources (on-campus and off-campus)
  • Information on reporting options (e.g., Title IX)
  • Housing 
  • Academic remedies (e.g., excused absences, revised deadlines, schedule changes)
  • Informal resolutions 

Can’t find what you’re looking for? Contact the Confidential Resource Advisor for further assistance.