Numerical analysis studies the methods used to solve problems involving continuous variables and is an applied branch of mathematics and computer science. This numerical analysis course aims to provide students with opportunities to learn to devise, evaluate, and use methods for computing approximate but accurate solutions to various numerical problems that arise in mathematics, physics, biology, and data science. COS 374 covers the analysis of direct and indirect methods of solution of linear systems, with attention to generating and propagating numerical errors and computational speed. Matrix conditioning will be considered.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of this course, students will be able to:
- Apply fundamental programming constructs to solve numerical problems.
- Show how numbers are represented on the computer and how errors from this representation affect arithmetic.
- Apply numerical methods for accurate solutions to scientific problems.
- Understand issues of algorithm complexity and programmability.
- Solve numerical linear algebra problems.
- Interpret machine output and provide a good understanding of error analysis problems and algorithms’ convergence.
Lambers et al. (2018). Explorations in Numerical Analysis. World Scientific. ISBN: 978-981-320-997-8.
Spring Semesters