Introduction to the programming concepts involved with autonomous robotic systems. Using off-the-shelf “robot kits,” students will design a simple robotic platform to meet specific goals. Then, students will develop their programming capabilities using a common platform for the remainder of the course. Simple open-ended feedback and artificial intelligence systems will be explored throughout the course. Several benchmarks and robot competitions will demonstrate the platform and programming learned in the course. Credits: 3.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this course, students will be able to:

  • Design and construct a basic robotic platform using off-the-shelf robot kits to meet specific performance goals, demonstrating an understanding of robotic hardware components and their integration.
  • Develop proficiency in a standard programming language and environment for autonomous robots, applying fundamental programming concepts such as variables, control structures, and functions to control robotic behavior.
  • Implement open-ended feedback systems in robotic applications, using sensors and actuators to enable real-time environmental interaction and adaptive decision-making.
  • Create simple artificial intelligence algorithms for robots, such as rule-based systems or basic machine learning techniques, to enable autonomous problem-solving and task completion.
  • Optimize robotic performance through iterative design, programming, and testing cycles, as demonstrated by successful participation in benchmarks and robot competitions throughout the course.


Correll, N. (2022). Introduction to Autonomous Robots: Mechanisms, Sensors, Actuators, and Algorithms. MIT Press.

