Curtis Bohlen


Director, Casco Bay Estuary Partnership

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118 Wishcamper Center, Portland campus


  • PhD, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Cornell University
  • Master of Science, Biology, Stanford University
  • Bachelor of Science, Biology, Stanford University

Research Interests

  • Restoration of tidal wetlands
  • Nature-based solutions for shoreline protection
  • Coastal acidification
  • Community-engaged ocean science
  • Application of ocean data and data sharing technologies to enhance community resilience

Curtis Bohlen is an aquatic and wetland ecologist and conservation leader with an interdisciplinary background in ecology, economics, and public policy. He leads the work of the Casco Bay Estuary Partnership, working with partners both inside and outside of the University to seek creative solutions to environmental challenges, support local communities, and improve the health of Casco Bay.

Recent projects have included the preparation of the most recent (2021) State of Casco Bay Report, studying the impact of tidal restoration on coastal wetlands, leading the Casco Bay Nutrient Council, and collaborating on studies of coastal acidification in Casco Bay and around the nation. Bohlen serves on the Board of the Long Creek Watershed Management District and on Maine’s Board of Pesticide Control.

Before joining CBEP, Bohlen worked as an environmental consultant and served on the Environmental Studies faculty at Bates and Colby Colleges. He also worked for Trout Unlimited and the Chesapeake Bay Foundation as a staff scientist and spent a year working on Capitol Hill as a legislative aide and Congressional Science Fellow. He holds BS and MS degrees in Biology from Stanford and a PhD in Ecology from Cornell.


  • Environmental science and management
  • Wetland ecology
  • Aquatic ecosystem restoration
  • Water quality science
  • Coastal and ocean acidification
  • Environmental monitoring
  • Data analysis and visualization
  • Geospatial analysis
  • Science communications
  • Community-engaged science

Selected Publications

Please review Curtis Bohlen's publications on Digital Commons.

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118 Wishcamper Center, Portland campus


  • PhD, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Cornell University
  • Master of Science, Biology, Stanford University
  • Bachelor of Science, Biology, Stanford University

Research Interests

  • Restoration of tidal wetlands
  • Nature-based solutions for shoreline protection
  • Coastal acidification
  • Community-engaged ocean science
  • Application of ocean data and data sharing technologies to enhance community resilience