Jacinda Dionne

Behavioral Health Certification Specialist, Disability and Aging Program

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208 Haynes Building, Augusta


  • Master of Arts, Higher Education Administration with a concentration in Educational Leadership, University of Maine
  • Bachelor of Arts. Human Development, University of Maine

Jacinda Dionne is a Behavioral Health Certification Specialist within the Catherine Cutler Institute’s Disability and Aging program area. Jacinda’s primary area of focus is in workforce development and quality assurance initiatives that promote best practice for health and human service workers.

In her 12 years of experience at the Catherine Cutler Institute, Jacinda has administered the day-to-day operations of state behavioral health certification programs. She provides ongoing technical assistance to individual applicants, community provider agencies, and educational institutions around certification policies. Jacinda’s emerging areas of interest include competency-based certification and training, curriculum design and analysis, policy research, literature reviews, and performance measurement.

Jacinda graduated from the University of Maine with a Bachelor’s degree in Human Development and a Master’s degree in Higher Education Administration with a concentration in Educational Leadership.


  • Competency-based certification and training
  • Curriculum design and analysis
  • Policy research
  • Literature reviews
  • Performance measurement
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208 Haynes Building, Augusta


  • Master of Arts, Higher Education Administration with a concentration in Educational Leadership, University of Maine
  • Bachelor of Arts. Human Development, University of Maine