Jenny MacKenzie

Policy Associate I

Jenny MacKenzie

233B Wishcamper Center, Portland campus


  • Bachelor of Arts, Anthropology, Brandeis University

Jenny conducts qualitative research, analyzes policy implications, and disseminates project findings via reports, policy briefs, presentations, and published peer-reviewed articles.

For over 10 years, she has assisted the Maine Quality Forum in its efforts to monitor and improve the quality of health care in the State of Maine. This has included the facilitation of a statewide patient experience of care survey, producing an annual report on primary care spending in the state, and public reporting of healthcare-associated infections by Maine’s hospitals and nursing facilities.

Jenny has extensive experience in writing and developing training materials, primarily focused on infection prevention and other topics pertinent to Maine’s workforce. Jenny is currently using her writing and editing skills for the Mental Health Rehabilitation Technician (MHRT) Community certification redesign initiative for Maine’s Office of Behavioral Health.

Selected Publications

Please review Jenny MacKenzie's publications in Digital Commons.

Jenny MacKenzie

233B Wishcamper Center, Portland campus


  • Bachelor of Arts, Anthropology, Brandeis University