Kristen Gleason, PhD
Associate Professor of Psychology

Science Building, Room 510 (A-wing), Portland Campus
Community & Cultural Psychologist
- University of Hawai‘i at Manoa, M.A., 2014; Ph.D., 2016
- Temple University, M.Ed., 2008
- Grove City College, B.S., 2003
Current Courses
PSY 100 Introduction to Psychology (In-person)
PSY 375 Psychology in the Public Interest (In-person)
Research Interests
- Poverty
- Housing, Homelessness
- Human Trafficking
- Food Insecurity
Kristen Gleason, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor of Psychology at the University of Southern Maine. Dr. Gleason received her Ph.D. in Community and Cultural Psychology from the University of Hawai‘i at Manoa in 2016. She completed a postdoctoral position with the Center for Community Research at DePaul University in 2016-2017 and a Libra Professorship with the University of Maine at Augusta in 2017-2018.
Her current research focuses on understanding the systemic and structural factors that contribute to and maintain homelessness. She is committed to fostering collaborative community partnerships and addressing local concerns in socially just and practical ways. Dr. Gleason’s laboratory at USM is dedicated to better understanding issues related to poverty and homelessness in Maine. She is currently engaged in a geographic needs assessment for homeless services aimed at identifying underserved areas in the state.
Dr. Gleason began serving as Chair of the Psychology Department in 2024.
Selected Publications
Gleason, K., Stoothoff, J., McClellan, D., McManimen, S., Thorpe, T., Katz, B.Z., & Jason, L.A. (In Press). Operationalizing substantial reduction in functioning among young adults with chronic fatigue syndrome. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine.
Gleason, K., Baker, C., & Maynard, A. (2017). Using critical discourse analysis to explore the discursive context of human trafficking in Hawai‘i. Journal of Community Psychology, 46(3), 293-310.
Gleason, K., Barile, J.P., & Baker, C. (2017). Describing trajectories of homeless service use in Hawai‘i using latent class growth analysis. American Journal of Community Psychology, 59, 158-171.
Stoothoff, J., Gleason, K., McManimen, S., Thorpe, T., & Jason, L.A. (2017). Subtyping patients with myalagic encephalomyelitis (ME) and chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) by course of illness. Journal of Biosensors, Biormarkers and Diagnostics, 2(1), 1-9.
Jason, L.A., Katz, B., Gleason, K., McManimen, S., Sunnquist, M., & Thorpe, T. (2017). A prospective study of Infectious Mononucleosis in college students. International Journal of Psychiatry, 2, 1-8.
Gleason, K., Baker, C., Carangan, A., Espinueva, J., Herrera-Mendoza, A., & Remis, A. (2016). Challenges to addressing human trafficking in the Hawaiian Islands: A qualitative exploration from the perspective of local service providers. Global Journal of Community Psychology Practice, 7(3), 1-14.
Jason, L.A., Stevens, E., Ram, D., Miller, S.A., Beasley, C.R., & Gleason, K. (2016). Theories in the field of community psychology. Global Journal of Community Psychology Practice, 7(2), 1-27.
Stoothoff, J., Gleason, K., McManimen, S., Thorpe, T., & Jason, L.A. (2017). Subtyping patients with myalagic encephalomyelitis (ME) and chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) by course of illness. Journal of Biosensors, Biormarkers and Diagnostics, 2(1), 1-9.
Jason, L.A., Katz, B., Gleason, K., McManimen, S., Sunnquist, M., & Thorpe, T. (2017). A prospective study of Infectious Mononucleosis in college students. International Journal of Psychiatry, 2, 1-8.
Gleason, K., Baker, C., Carangan, A., Espinueva, J., Herrera-Mendoza, A., & Remis, A. (2016). Challenges to addressing human trafficking in the Hawaiian Islands: A qualitative exploration from the perspective of local service providers. Global Journal of Community Psychology Practice, 7(3), 1-14.
Jason, L.A., Stevens, E., Ram, D., Miller, S.A., Beasley, C.R., & Gleason, K. (2016). Theories in the field of community psychology. Global Journal of Community Psychology Practice, 7(2), 1-27.
Jason, L.A., Stevens, E., Ram, D., Miller, S.A., Beasley, C.R., & Gleason, K. (2016). Our reflections on the reactions to “Theories in the field of community psychology.” Global Journal of Community Psychology Practice. 7(2), 1-9.
Thorpe, T., McManimen, S., Gleason, K., Stoothoff, J., Newton, J.L., Strand, E.B., & Jason, L.A. (2016). Assessing current functioning as a measure of significant reduction in activity level. Fatigue: Biomedicine, Health & Behavior, 4(3), 175-188.
Helm S., Lee W., Hanakahi V., Gleason K., McCarthy K., & Haumana. (2014). Using photovoice with youth to develop a drug prevention program in a rural Hawaiian community. American Indian and Alaska Native Mental Health Research, 22(1), 1-26.
Baker, C.K., Gleason, K., Naai, R., Mitchell, J., & Trecker, C. (2013). Increasing knowledge of sexual abuse: A study with elementary school children in Hawai‘i. Research on Social Work Practice, 23(2), 167-178.

Science Building, Room 510 (A-wing), Portland Campus
Community & Cultural Psychologist
- University of Hawai‘i at Manoa, M.A., 2014; Ph.D., 2016
- Temple University, M.Ed., 2008
- Grove City College, B.S., 2003
Current Courses
PSY 100 Introduction to Psychology (In-person)
PSY 375 Psychology in the Public Interest (In-person)
Research Interests
- Poverty
- Housing, Homelessness
- Human Trafficking
- Food Insecurity