Scott W. Brown, PhD


Emeritus Professor of Psychology

Dr. Scott Brown
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Cognitive Psychologist


  • University of Maine, Ph.D., 1984
  • Goddard College. B.A., 1974

Research Interests

Temporal perception

Timing behavior

Attentional processes

Selected Publications

Brown, S. W.  (in press).  Attentional resources in the shaping of temporal experience.  In I. Phillips (Ed.), The Routledge Handbook of the Philosophy of Temporal Experience.  Oxfordshire, UK:  Taylor & Francis.

Brown, S. W., Johnson, T. M., Sohl, M. E., & Dumas, M. K. (2015).  Executive attentional resources in timing:  Effects of inhibitory control and cognitive aging.  Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 41, 1063-1083.  

Brown, S. W., & Smith-Petersen, G. A. (2014).  Time perception and temporal order memory.  Acta Psychologica, 148, 173-180.

Brown, S. W. (2014).  Involvement of shared resources in time judgment and sequence reasoning tasks.  Acta Psychologica, 147, 92-96.

Brown, S. W., Collier, S. A., & Night, J. C.  (2013).  Timing and executive resources:  Dual-task interference patterns between temporal production and shifting, updating, and inhibition tasks.  Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 39, 947-963.

Brown, S. W. (2010).  Timing, resources, and interference:  Attentional modulation of time perception.  In K. C. Nobre & J. T. Coull (Eds.), Attention and time (pp. 107-121).  New York:  Oxford University Press.

 Brown, S. W. (2008-a).  The attenuation effect in timing:  Counteracting dual-task interference with time judgment skill training.  Perception, 37, 712-724.

 Brown, S. W. (2008-b).  Time and attention:  Review of the literature.  In S. Grondin (Ed.), Psychology of time (pp. 111-138).  Bingley, UK:  Emerald.

Dr. Scott Brown
Please email


Cognitive Psychologist


  • University of Maine, Ph.D., 1984
  • Goddard College. B.A., 1974

Research Interests

Temporal perception

Timing behavior

Attentional processes