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Levesque, V.R., Bell, K.P., Calhoun, A.J.K. 2017. Planning for sustainability in small municipalities: The influence of interest groups, growth patterns, and institutional characteristics. Journal of Planning Education and Research 37(3): 322-333.
Meyer, S.R., Levesque, V.R., Bieluch, K.H., Johnson, M.L., McGreavy, B., Dreyer, S., Smith, H. 2016. Sustainability science graduate students as boundary spanners. Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences: 6(2): 344-353.
McGreavy, B., Calhoun, A.J.K., Jansujwicz, J., Levesque, V.R. 2016. Citizen Science and natural resource governance: Program design for vernal pool policy innovation. Ecology and Society. 21(2):48.