The Behavior Analyst Certification Board® (BACB®) credentials professionals as Board Certified Behavior Analysts® (BCBAs®). BACB® standards are the basis for many behavior analyst licensure laws in the United States. To learn about state-specific licensure laws, visit the BACB website.
To be eligible for BCBA® credentialing via the course coursework pathway, individuals must:

  • Earn an acceptable graduate degree
  • Complete acceptable behavior-analytic coursework
  • Complete acceptable supervised fieldwork in behavior analysis, and
  • Earn a passing score on the BCBA examination.

The University offers the required graduate degree and behavior-analytic coursework. Faculty also offer guidance on securing supervised fieldwork placements and preparing for the BCBA examination. To learn more about BCBA credentialing, visit the BACB website.

Our Certificate of Graduate Study in Applied Behavior Analysis and MS in Educational Psychology-Applied Behavior Analysis Concentration programs both include an Association for Behavior Analysis International (ABAI) Verified Course Sequence that that aligns with the BACB Fifth Edition Task List.

ABAI has verified the courses listed below toward the coursework requirements for eligibility to take the Board Certified Behavior Analyst® (BCBA®) examination. Applicants will need to meet additional requirements before they can be deemed eligible to take the examination.

  • SPY 601: Behavioral Principles of Learning
    • 45 hours in Concepts and Principles
  • SPY 602: Single Case Research Methods
    • 45 hours in Measurements, Data Display and Interpretation, and Experimental Design
  • SPY 604: Functional Behavioral Assessment
    • 45 hours in Behavior Assessment
  • SPY 605: Principles and Procedures for Instructional Intervention
    • 15 hours in Concepts and Principles; 30 hours in Behavior Change Procedures and Selecting and Implementing Interventions
  • SPY 606: Principles and Procedures for Behavior Intervention
    • 6 hours in Philosophical Underpinnings; 9 hours in Concepts and Principles; and 30 hours in Behavior Change Procedures and Selecting and Implementing Interventions
  • SPY 607: Consultation and Collaborative Problem-Solving
    • 1 hour in BACB Compliance Code and Disciplinary Systems; 3 hours in Philosophical Underpinnings; 12 hours in Concepts and Principles; 2 hours in Measurements, Data Display and Interpretation, and Experimental Design; 3 hours in Behavior Assessment; 13 hours in Behavior Change Procedures and Selectin and Implementing Interventions; 3 hours in Personnel Supervision and Management
  • SPY 608: Professional Ethics in Behavior Analysis
    • 45 hours in BACB Compliance Code and Disciplinary Systems and Professionalism
  • SPY 640: Supervision and Performance Management in Applied Behavior Analysis
    • 37 hours in Personnel Supervision and Management