Q & A with Jacob Curtis ’24
Jacob Curtis is pursuing his Masters in Data Science at the Roux Institute, while working as a tax examiner for the Maine Department of Revenue Services. Recently, he answered questions about his experience as a Promise Scholar at USM.

How did the Promise Scholarship impact your USM experience?
Promise literally opened up my world. I’m not sure I would have ever gone to college without it. It not only provided funding, but also connected me with my advisor, Daniel, who is still a valuable mentor – in fact, I just talked to him yesterday.
Did you have any “eureka moments” as a Promise Scholar?
One pivotal moment was when Daniel connected me with an internship at Gorham Savings Bank. I initially declined because I was about to take an hourly job with steady pay. But I took a chance, and that internship ended up being a great experience that led to seven or eight other internships in my time at USM!
Any thoughts about the future of Promise?
The Promise Scholarship is investing in students who have incredible abilities, passions, and drive. There are so many future Promise Scholars who will go on to transform their lives and communities. The real value lies in the people involved, both the staff running the program and the students it supports. Promise truly has the power to change the world by reaching students who might not otherwise have these opportunities.