The Take a Seat Campaign to support the Crewe Center for the Arts is your opportunity to be a part of this historic building project–and to help bring the campaign across the finish line.

You may name a seat in the Center’s 200-capacity Performance Hall for a gift of $5,000, or the 75-capacity Arts Lab for $1,878 (in honor of the year USM was founded).

Name your seat for anyone you choose with a gift payable over up to five years––that boils down to $83.30 or $31.20 a month. The names will be memorialized on individual plaques and will be part of the life of the building for many years to come.

With your gift you can name and dedicate a seat in the Performance Hall or the Arts Lab:

  • As an individual, couple, or family
  • For your children, grandchildren, or parents
  • In memory of a loved one
  • In honor of a friend, student, graduate, colleague, or mentor
  • To mark a birthday, anniversary, or other special occasion
  • With the name of your business or organization.

To learn more, please contact Erin Macey, Executive Director of Development at