Occupational Therapy Student Provides Advice

Emily Colby standing outside smiling

Seek out people and activities that fill your cup is wisdom Emily Colby, fifth year Occupational Therapy graduate student, has learned based on her own experience. As long as you put in the effort, and try to have fun with your studies, the positive grades will follow. On the last leg of earning a Master’s Degree in OT, Emily knows a thing or two about balancing her cup with a heavy workload. She is enrolled in the Accelerated Graduate Pathways program where students can save time and money by taking graduate level courses in their final year as an undergraduate. 

Emily was drawn to OT and the University of Southern Maine because of its three campus locations and the commitment of the program. USM is still exceeding her educational expectations. She served as an RA for three years, through the outbreak of Covid-19, and was one of a few who remained on campus in 2020 when most students were sent home for remote learning. Emily remembers how challenging it was to put on programs for students without breaking protocols. Today she appreciates how much interacting with nature can refill anyone’s cup, especially after the recent years of prolonged isolation.

Ultimately Emily’s passion for incorporating outdoor activities into the healthy development of young children’s lives is where she hopes to focus her career in occupational therapy.