USM’s AGILE My Inbox – Final Exam Edition!
What is USM’s AGILE My Inbox? USM’s AGILE My Inbox is a weekly newsletter brought to you by the USM’s Learning Support team. Every learner can become more AGILE, which … Read More
What is USM’s AGILE My Inbox? USM’s AGILE My Inbox is a weekly newsletter brought to you by the USM’s Learning Support team. Every learner can become more AGILE, which … Read More
The opening celebration and ribbon cutting will be held at 10 a.m. on Tuesday, April 25 in the Science Building on the University’s Portland Campus. Members of the media will have the opportunity to tour the space, see the simulation lab in action, and interview students and faculty on site.
The University of Southern Maine will celebrate its 143rd Commencement on Saturday, May 6th with nearly 1,000 graduates scheduled to participate. The event, scheduled for 9 a.m. at the Cross Insurance Arena in Portland, will feature comments from University President Jacqueline Edmondson, student speaker Nadine Bravo, and featured speaker Neil Genzlinger ‘77, a New York Times journalist and USM alumnus.
Dr. Bill Rankin talks about the role cartography can play in counteracting us vs. them thinking by recasting borders as a middle ground rather than dividing line between cultures.
What is USM’s AGILE My Inbox? USM’s AGILE My Inbox is a weekly newsletter brought to you by the USM’s Learning Support team. Every learner can become more AGILE, which … Read More
Dr. Katherine Ahrens, Assistant Research Professor of Public Health in the Muskie School of Public Service, will serve as co-investigator on the major, $11 million research project.
An ancient Greek myth is reimagined for a modern audience by giving equal attention to Eurydice’s emotional journey as Orpheus’ more traditional heroics.
Two student members of the Queer Straight Alliance held the Intersex-Inclusive Progress Pride Flag as it was raised over the Gorham Campus for the first time.
As research for the book “Female Husbands,” Dr. Jen Manion used newspaper articles and public records to show what life was like for transgender men in the 18th and 19th centuries.
What is USM’s AGILE My Inbox? USM’s AGILE My Inbox is a weekly newsletter brought to you by the USM’s Learning Support team. Every learner can become more AGILE, which … Read More