Shifting Sands: Beaches, Bathers, and Modern Maine Art, guest curated by Donna Cassidy, Professor Emerita at the University of Southern Maine, explores the unique place the beach holds in modern art. The show begins with a study of the artists of the Ogunquit art schools in the early 20th century, then looks beyond Ogunquit to the working-class resorts from Old Orchard Beach to Atlantic City. Finally, the exhibition focuses upon recent Maine artists who are rethinking the beach and looking closely at the ecology of this ever-evolving locale.
Two Art History USM students, Elizabeth Hand Hodenberg and Abigail Dunnigan, assisted Donna Cassidy with portions of her curation as student interns, an experiential learning opportunity satisfying an important component of their Art History degrees at USM.
Two emerita faculty, Rebecca Goodale and Jan Piribeck, also have artwork included in the exhibition.
Shifting Sands: Beaches, Bathers, and Modern Maine Art opens to the public on Friday, April 28 and runs through July 16. For more Exhibition information Click Here.
A Lecture by Donna Cassidy, guest curator of Shifting Sands, will be held on June 13th via Zoom. For more information on this Lecture Click Here.
Ogunquit Museum of American Art, 543 Shore Road, Ogunquit, Maine, Opens daily 10AM-5PM.