USM departments use the Validation Request Form to contact in regards to validations.

Phone: (207) 780-4718


Location: USM Parking Garage lobby (level 1 of the garage), 88 Bedford Street, Portland, Maine

Contacting us after hours: When the Parking Services Office is closed, please email Parking Services with any questions or concerns. Our response time is typically within the next business day.

For mobile payment assistance: 24/7/365 support is in the mobile app/online. Call 866-675-7337 or

Enforcement: Ambassadors patrol 24/7/365. Enforcement/citation/appeal support information can be found on QR code signage at each parking garage and lot for 24/7/365 support.

Please get in touch

To submit your questions, comments, or suggestions to the Parking Services Office, please complete this form.

Contact us