The QC2 lab isn’t your typical analytical testing lab. We believe there is a better way to provide testing services to our craft beverage customers. A way that creates unique and engaging educational opportunities for our undergraduate students, that educates our customers on important quality parameters in their industry, and that builds the STEM workforce. Our passion is fueled by the believe that education can change the world. We believe that collaborating with the craft beverage industry is an engaging way for both the industry and our undergraduates to learn more about the science of their craft.

Are you interested in ordering testing services for your product?

Click the button below to access our suite of analytical and microbial testing services. Our undergraduate students perform ASBC and AOAC-approved methods to test your product! Choosing QC2 supports our mission to educate the next generation of STEM graduates.

A Brief Overview of our Founding

The QC2 lab was founded by USM Analytical Chemistry Professor, Luci Benedict in 2016. It all started from a couple of conversations with the Quality Control Manager at Allagash Brewing Company and the head brewer at Rising Tide Brewing Company. Luci had a need to find real world lab experiences for her students, and the breweries had a need for their beer to be tested for important quality control parameters. Lucky for everyone those two needs fit perfectly together. We collaborated with the Maine Brewers Guild to secure seed funding from the Maine Economic Improvement Fund at the University of Southern Maine (MEIF@USM) to build the lab in 2014. With MEIF@USM funding we built a lab that has top of the line instrumentation and equipment essential for testing and research, that is run by our trained undergraduate students, and is a great resource to our Maine brewers.