C: Communication & Connection
The ROCC fosters a supportive community where students can share their recovery experiences, and build a network of peers who understand and encourage one another.
Emphasizing the importance of social connections, the ROCC contributes to a sense of belonging and purpose within the University of Southern Maine community.
H: Health & Wellness
The ROCC embraces a holistic perspective on wellness, recognizing the correlation between academic success and personal well-being.
Prioritizing (MEPS): the Mental, Emotional, Physical, and Spiritual journey throughout people’s lives.
E: Empowerment Through Education
The ROCC views education as a powerful tool for empowerment and personal growth. We actively promote academic pursuits as a key element in the recovery process.
The ROCC recognizes the importance of financial well-being in their academic journey. Through these educational programs and workshops, we empower students to have greater understanding of financial responsibility.
R: Recovery, Reconnect, Resilience (Power of 3R’s)
Recovery: A process of living self-directed lives and reaching their full potential.
Reconnect: Fostering an environment to give students the opportunity to meet other students and continue their own personal journey.
Resilience: The ability to recover quickly from difficult challenges.
D: Diverse Paths of Recovery
The ROCC recognizes that recovery is a deeply personal and individual journey. We honor the many diverse paths that people can choose towards their own healing and personal growth.