Western State Normal School established as Maine’s third normal school.
Western State Normal School is renamed Gorham Normal School and opens in January, 1879. A course of study is one year.
Gorham Normal School’s course of study increases to two years.
Portland University is incorporated.
Gorham Normal School’s program for Junior High preparation begun and course of study increased to three years.
Portland University closes.
Portland Junior College opens.
Gorham Normal School awards its first baccalaureate (four-year) degrees.
Portland Junior College is closed because of World War II.
Portland University’s old charter is revised and it reopens, primarily to provide law training in Maine.
Gorham Normal School is renamed Gorham State Teachers College.
Portland Junior reopens, but for men only, to accommodate ex-servicemen.
Portland Junior College acquires the former Deering Estate, the present location of USM’s Portland campus.
Portland University is given the right to grant the law degree (LLB) by the state.
Portland University is granted the right to confer other degrees by the state; the College of Business Administration is established.
Portland Junior College is acquired by the UMaine System in 1957, becoming the University of Maine in Portland. It remains a two year school until 1961.
Regional accreditation for Gorham State Teachers College.
Women are admitted to University of Maine at Portland for the first time.
Portland University merges with University of Maine in Portland and Portland University’s Portland Law School becomes the University of Maine School of Law.
Continuing Education Division established at University of Maine at Portland.
Graduate School established at Gorham State Teachers College.
National accreditation for Gorham State Teachers College.
Gorham State Teachers College renamed Gorham State College.
Secondary Education program established at Gorham State College.
Gorham State College joins the UMaine system and becomes Gorham State College of University of Maine.
Trustees announce that Gorham State College and University of Maine at Portland will merge to become the University of Maine at Portland-Gorham (UMPG) in 1970.
July 11, 1970, the merger takes effect. The academic merger follows one year later; the Fall term of 1971 is the first as UMPG.
May 24, 1978, University of Maine at Portland is renamed University of Southern Maine.
Lewiston/Auburn College of University of Southern Maine is established.
July 1, 2011, the University reorganized into five colleges.
Principals and Presidents of Western State Normal School, Gorham Normal School, Gorham State Teachers College, and Gorham State College, 1878-1970
W.J. Corthell was the first principal of the Western State Normal School in Gorham, founded in 1878. William Corthell was born in Addison, Maine on July 11, 1827. He received his bachelor’s degree from Colby College in 1857. He was also awarded an honorary L.L.D. from Colby in 1893. He spent his tenure as principal fighting for the state to recognize the need for post-high school level education for teachers. He was still active until he died in Calais, November 1, 1908, at the age of 81, after a fall. Corthell Hall was named in his honor in 1926.
Dr. Walter E. Russell, preacher and educator, was born in Fayette, Maine, August 6, 1869, and died in 1948. He was Principal of Gorham Normal School from 1906 to 1940. He graduated from Maine Wesleyan Seminary and attended Wesleyan University in Connecticut. He taught in New Britain, Connecticut for a year before coming to Gorham. Noting a lack of qualified high school and lower school teachers in Maine, during the 1930s he put an emphasis on building up a source of qualified teachers for the state.
Francis L. Bailey was born in Wyman, Michigan in 1894. He graduated from Central (Michigan) Normal School in 1915. He served in WWI, and then continued his education receiving his bachelor’s and master’s degrees from the University of Michigan and his Ph.D. from Columbia University in 1931. Dr. Bailey kept Gorham Normal School running through WWII, becoming an active recruiter. During the war, there were only five male students and the industrial arts and athletic programs were suspended. Francis Bailey died in 1981 at the age of 86.
Kenneth T. H. Brooks received his undergraduate degree from the University of New Hampshire and masters and doctoral degrees from Boston University. He served as President of Gorham State Teacher’s College, and then continued as President of Gorham State College and Gorham State College of the University of Maine. He stepped down when Gorham merged with the University of Maine at Portland. He wrote See The Green and White Advancing: A History of Gorham Normal School, Teachers College, and State College 1878-1970, which was published in 1995. Kenneth Brooks died on December 4, 1995.
Deans of Portland Junior College and Portland University, 1933-1973
Everett Lord was born in 1871. He took a one-year teaching course out of high school and four years later found himself Superintendent of Schools for the town. He then returned to school earning both an A.B. and an M.A. from Boston University. He served as Assistant Commissioner of Education in Puerto Rico and the Secretary to the National Child Labor Committee before returning to BU. At BU he helped to found the College of Business Administration where he served as the first Dean. In 1933, together with Luther Bonney he helped start Portland University Extension Courses that would later develop into Portland Junior College (PJC), wanting to expand the business school into Maine. He left his post to return to BU where he worked until 1941. Everett Lord died in 1965.
Luther Bonney was born in Turner, Maine in 1885. He graduated from Bates College in 1906 and taught high school for 14 years. In 1933, he helped start Portland University Extension Courses that would later develop into Portland Junior College (PJC); Bonney held the position of Dean from 1938 to 1957. In 1957, PJC became the University of Maine in Portland, Bonney retained his position as Dean through the transition. He retired in 1958, as Dean Emeritus. He was known for his passion for making college accessible to everyone, his passion and dedication showed greatly during WWII. During the war, enrollment dropped to under 20 students, so it was shut down, but Bonney kept the students up-to-date with newsletters, and was able to reopen in a new location in 1947.
During World War II, Richard H. Armstrong served as Chief Attorney in the New England division of the Office of Price Administration. After the war, he formed with the law firm Wheeler, Armstrong, and Pomeroy. With the charter of the old Peabody Law School, Armstrong was able with help from his colleagues to start up the Portland University Law School, which he ran. It was taken over by the University of Maine in 1961.
John M. Blake was born in West Somerville, Massachusetts in 1919. He graduated from Boston University in 1941, and from Harvard in 1943 with a master’s. He went on to serve in WWII retiring as a Lieutenant Colonel. Blake became Dean in 1953 when the College of Business Administration was formed at Portland University. In 1954 he became Dean of the University. Blake would continue in higher education in Maine, starting the Continuing Education Division of the University of Maine, as well as serving as Vice President of Finance and Administration at Orono. He retired in 1979 and passed away in 2009.
William L. Irvine was born in Framingham, Massachusetts, he received an A.B. in Business Administration from the University of Maine in 1942, after which he entered the Army for wartime service. In 1947, he completed his master’s in education also at the University of Maine and then received his doctorate in education administration from Cornell University. He served as Principal of several high schools in Maine, New York and Connecticut before becoming dean. After his tenure at the University of Maine in Portland he served as the first Regional Education Officer for Africa for the U.S. Department of State from 1964-1966, he also served as president of the University of Vermont and Wheelock College. His time at UMP saw the construction of Payson Smith Hall, the first permanent building built for education on the campus.
William L. Whitting graduated from the University of Maine with a bachelor’s; he also received a master of education from Bates College and a master of arts from Northwestern University. During the time Mr. Whitting served as the administrative head of the Portland campus, Portland University merged with the University of Maine Portland bringing with it the Law and Business schools. Luther Bonney Hall was also constructed during his term. Whiting remained on campus as Associate Dean under Dean Fink and continued to teach Speech after he stepped down from his administrative role.
David R. Fink became dean in 1965, and was then promoted to provost in 1968. During his time at the University the gymnasium and the Science Building were constructed, adding Southworth Planetarium and the computer center to campus, and the building that would become the student center was purchased. In 1969, he was promoted once again. This time to a position on the Chancellor’s staff.
Edward S. Godfrey III was born in Phoenix, Arizona and raised in Albany, New York. He graduated from Harvard College in 1934 and Columbia University Law School in 1939. After law school, he went into practice, which was interrupted by wartime service in the Army where he served in General MacArthur’s headquarters in Manila. In 1948, he started teaching law at the Albany Law School, where he stayed until 1962 when he became the founding dean of the reformed University of Maine School of Law, which at the time was part of the University of Maine in Portland. He served as dean until 1973. He also served as dean of the Portland campus for the fall semester in 1970. Governor Longley appointed him to the Supreme Judicial Court of Maine in August of 1976, where he served until his retirement in 1983. After his retirement, he continued to teach part-time at the Law School.
Presidents of University of Maine Portland-Gorham and University of Southern Maine, 1970-present
William J. MacLeod received his bachelor’s in Greek, and master’s in Psychology, and a doctorate in Philosophy. He studied at the American Institute of Classical Studies in Greece and was part of a team who went to the Middle East to study their cultural resources and was the Assistant Director of Counseling at Boston University. He came to UMP as the head of the Humanities Division in 1969. In 1970, he was asked by the chancellor to become acting president. During his tenure, he was tasked to create an organizational structure of the newly merged University.
Louis J.P. Calisti was the first president of the University of Maine Portland-Gorham. Dr. Calisti received a Doctor of Dental Surgery degree from the University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine and a Master’s in Public Health from Harvard. He taught and was the Dean of the Tufts University School of Dental Medicine before coming to UMPG. Dr. Calisti continued his work in public health throughout his career, even serving as a senior consultant to the government of Kuwait to help them develop and implement a dental health care system. Louis Calisti died in August 2001.
Walter P. Fridinger was born in Glen Rock, Pennsylvania, he graduated with a bachelor’s of science from Lebanon Valley College in 1938. Prior to his work at the University, Mr. Fridinger worked as a field executive for the Boy Scouts of America and joined the army, from which he retired as a lieutenant colonel in 1966. In 1961, he began his 20 years at USM teaching Business Administration at the then University of Maine Portland. He would go on to hold the title of center director of continuing education, director of public service, vice president for finance and administration and, interim president, throughout his tenure. Mr. Fridinger died in June 2000.
Dr. N. Edd Miller, a Houston, Texas native, came to the University of Maine Portland-Gorham from the University of Nevada, Reno, where he had been president. He received both a bachelor’s and a master’s degree from the University of Texas in Austin, and his doctorate from the University of Michigan. Dr. Miller took on the challenge of creating one university out of the two campuses. During his tenure the University flourished as, he expanded the programs in education, nursing and business, adding specializations in social welfare and the arts.
Born in St. Stephen, New Brunswick, Dr. Allen worked for the University of Maine System for 25 years, most of them as a professor at the University of Maine. He received a bachelor’s from Wheaton College in 1952, after which he served in the Korean War. After returning, he earned his master’s from the University of Maine and doctorate from Rice University in Zoology. Dr. Allen died in March of 2014.
Robert L. Woodbury earned his bachelor’s from Amherst College in 1960, and a doctorate in American Studies from Yale University, in 1966. Robert Woodbury helped to establish the Muskie Institute of Public Affairs. Dr. Woodbury left USM to serve as the chancellor of the University of Maine System from 1986 to 1993. He also ran an unsuccessful campaign for Governor in 1994. Robert Woodbury died on September 12, 2009.
Patricia R. Plante is a native of Waterville, Maine. She holds a bachelor’s from St. Joseph’s College, a master’s from St. Michael’s College, a Ph.D. from Boston University and completed post-doctoral studies at the University of Paris. She was the first female president of the University of Southern Maine. She is an avid Red Sox fan and compared the job of a university president to that of a team manager. During her tenure, the Lewiston-Auburn campus was added and enrollment reached 10,000 for the first time.
Richard L. Pattenaude is a native of Seattle, Washington. He holds a bachelor’s degree in economics from San Jose State University in California and a doctorate in political science from the University of Colorado. Pattenaude served as president of USM for 16 years, before becoming Chancellor of the University of Maine System. During Pattenaude’s tenure, he upgraded the facilities on the Portland and Gorham campuses and expanded the curriculum including adding the Common Core.
Joseph S. Wood holds a bachelor’s degree from Middlebury College, a master’s from the University of Vermont and a doctorate in geography from Pennsylvania State University. He served as provost for 7 years before becoming interim President. He currently is Provost at the University of Baltimore in Maryland.
Selma Botman, originally from Chelsea, Massachusetts, came to USM from City University of New York. She holds a bachelor’s degree in psychology from Brandeis University, an MPhil from Oxford University, and a master’s and a doctorate in Middle Eastern Studies from Harvard University. During her tenure, she worked to increase USM’s exposure to the world at large by bringing more international students to campus.
Dr. Kalikow is a native of Swampscott, Massachusetts. She earned her doctorate in philosophy from Boston University in 1974, Sc.M. in Philosophy from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1970 and her bachelor’s in chemistry from Wellesley College in 1962. She also received an honorary doctorate of humane letters from the University of New England in 2012. She served as President of the University of Maine at Farmington for 18 years, retiring in 2012, at which time she was asked to take over as President of USM. During her tenure, Theo Kalikow worked as an advocate to bring more community and civic engagement to USM.
Mr. Flanagan was born and raised in Maine. He earned his juris doctorate from Boston College Law School in 1973, MA from King’s College, University of London, and his BA from Harvard College. He was a member of the University of Maine System Board of Trustees from 1986-1995 serving as chairman in 1991-1992. Flanagan has also served on the boards of Thomas College and the American University in Bulgaria. He worked as a partner at Pierce Atwood and was CEO of Central Maine Power Company. His tenure brought major changes and cuts during a tumultuous period in USM history.
Dr. Cummings obtained his Doctorate in Higher Education Management from the University of Pennsylvania. He previously earned a Masters of Public Administration from the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University, a Masters of Arts in Teaching from Brown University, and a Bachelor of Arts from Ohio Wesleyan University. In addition to his diverse academic experience, Dr. Cummings represented Portland in the Maine House of Representatives for eight years, where he served as Chair of the state’s Joint Standing Committee on Education and Cultural Affairs, eventually being elected by his peers as Majority Leader and ultimately as Speaker of the House. He also served in President Obama’s administration as Deputy Assistant Secretary for the U.S. Department of Education, where he helped manage a $1.9 billion annual budget that focused on improving access to adult education and literacy training, career and technical education, and community colleges.
Dr. Jacqueline Edmondson earned her undergraduate, graduate and doctoral degrees at Penn State, where she was a first-generation college student who started as a music major before transitioning to elementary education. She worked at Penn State as associate dean in the College of Education, associate vice president, associate dean for undergraduate education, and Chancellor and Chief Academic Officer of Penn State Greater Allegheny. Dr. Edmondson’s research has focused on education policy, rural education, teacher education and popular culture. In addition to publications in numerous academic journals, she has authored eight books on subjects ranging from education policy to Jesse Owens to Jerry Garcia.
In addition to the University Archives, the following collections are related to University history, its faculty and students.
Schools, Colleges, and Universities (1803-1970)
- Gorham Academy Archives (GEN-MS0041)
- Gorham Campus Archives (GEN-MS0049)
- Portland University Archives (GEN-MS0028)
- Portland Junior College Archives (GEN-MS0050)
- University of Maine in Portland Archives (GEN-MS0051)
Principals and Presidents
- Francis L. Bailey Papers (GEN-MS0015)
- Luther I. Bonney Papers (GEN-MS0012)
- Kenneth T. H. Brooks Papers (GEN-MS0013)
- Thurston/Corthell Collection (GEN-MS0030)
- Hayden Anderson Papers (GEN-MS0022)
- Miriam Andrews (GEN-MS0017)
- Libby Bischof Gorham Campus Postcard Collection (GEN-MS0048)
- Thomas Carper Papers (GEN-MS0031)
- Waldeck Mainville Papers (GEN MS0040)
- Georgia Shaw Prescott Papers (GEN-MS0032)
- Querying the Past: LGBTQ Maine Oral History Project Collection (LG-MS0110)
- Howard Solomon Collection (LG-MS0045)
- Richard Steinman Papers (LG-MS0071)
- Robert Walking Papers (GEN-MS0036)
- Maurice Whitten Papers (GEN-MS0036)
- Esther Wood Papers (GEN-MS0023)
- Oliver Woshinsky Papers (GEN-MS0065)
- Hayden Anderson Papers (GEN-MS0022)
- Batchelder-Haley Letters (GEN-MS0002)
- Lorraine Grace Libby Bowdoin Papers (GEN-MS0052)
- Fitts Family Collection (GEN-MS0019)
- Lina Gordon Papers (GEN-MS0045)
- Jane and Robert Pickett Papers (GEN-MS0020)
- Edith Meserve Rice Papers (GEN-MS0021)
- Harriet Sweetser Letters (GEN-MS0010)
The site of the new Normal School (there were already two in Maine— Castine and Farmington) was a five acre lot of land owned by another McLellan, J.T., which was on Townhouse Hill facing High Street, as College Avenue was then called. Since the Gorham Academy had been only for boys, the Academy Trustees established the Female Seminary in 1836. The building was erected on the strength of pledges amounting to $21,000. Only $7,000 was collected, so for some years the Trustees were in financial difficulties. However, both Academy and Seminary flourished. It is said that Kate Douglas Wiggins attended the Seminary. In the 1870’s, when public high schools became common in Maine, the school failed, as did many other private secondary schools of the time. The Trustees, who wanted the Normal School in Gorham, offered the buildings to the State for the use of the Normal School, and the Seminary building became the first dormitory for women.
The first brick house in Cumberland County was built for Hugh and Elizabeth McLellan in 1773. Acquired by Gorham State College in 1966 and used originally as an honors dormitory, it became a regular dormitory housing students 20 years of age or older. It now houses the Center for Education Policy, Applied Research and Evaluation.
The Academy was chartered by the General Court of Massachusetts in 1803. A land grant was made to produce income, providing that the trustees raised $3,000 within a year. The required $3,000 for construction was raised and, on a lot of land given by Thomas McLellan valued at $350, the Academy was built. The building was dedicated on September 8, 1806 and was leased to the State in 1878 for the use of the new normal school for educational purposes. It still is not the property of USM, but belongs to the Gorham Academy Association.
Designed by the architect F. H. Fassett, for the site which the Trustees had selected after a Gorham Town Meeting in March of 1878 unanimously voted to raise $15,000 toward its construction. Those of you who may be buying or have bought a house will appreciate the financial figures for the building —— according to the account now in the Archives, a total of $24,290.50 was raised for the building. The actual cost of everything (including 60 cents for the account book in which to keep the record) came to $23,170.39, leaving a balance of $120.11 when the account was audited. The new building was dedicated on December 26, 1878 and on January 29, 1879, the first class of 85 students entered, of which 45 graduated a year later. The addition to Corthell to bring it to its present size was built in 1905 and it was renovated in 1961, again in 1986. The USM School of Music resides in Corthell Hall.
Robie Hall, named for Governor Frederick Robie, who contributed to its construction, was built in 1897. It was originally needed to house women students because the Seminary building had burned down in 1894. At this period, it was customary for male students to board in the town. Andrews Hall was constructed in 1916. It was called East Hall for forty years until in May 1956, it was named for Miriam E. Andrews. Ms. Andrews taught music at Gorham from 1922 to 1960. Robie – Andrews was extensively renovated in 1977 and today provides offices and studios for the Art Department as well as serving as a dormitory.
The building of this Hall in 1955 kicked off a flurry of construction on the Gorham Campus, which lasted through 1970. Woodward Hall was the first dormitory for men. It was named for Louis B. Woodward, who taught natural and social sciences at Gorham from 1913 to 1955, and also served as Vice Principal from 1935 to his retirement. The Russell Scholars Program can be found in this residence hall which also has a computer lab on the first floor.
Upton Hall dates from 1960 and was originally a dormitory for women. It named for Ethelyn F. Upton who taught mathematics beginning in 1932 and was the Director of Student Teaching from 1945 to her retirement in 1962. Hastings Hall, the adjacent unit, opened in 1968 and was named for Mary Hastings who preceded Miss Upton as Director of Student Teaching. It has large lounge space and is, therefore, the scene of many activities. This dormitory was built at a cost of $947,000 (quite a contrast to the cost of Corthell, ninety years earlier!) The placing of the time capsule and the laying of the cornerstone by President Kenneth T. H. Brooks and Dean of Women Edna F. Dickey took place at ceremonies held on May 10, 1967. The Upton-Hastings complex houses 300 students. Dr. Brooks’ span as President, from 1960 to 1970, saw two large changes of name and function. In 1965, Gorham became a State College, thereby greatly broadening its academic purpose. In 1968, it became a unit of the newly created University of Maine system. Upton-Hastings now includes Campus Card Services, the Office of Community Standards, Mail Services, USM Police Department, Residence Hall, Residential Life and Resident Education, and University Health and Counseling.
Built as a men’s dormitory in 1963, this was named for Hayden L.V. Anderson, an alumnus who taught at Gorham for many years, and went on the serve as Director of Professional Services for the Maine Department of Education. Purchasing and Payables can also be found in this residence hall.
Known as the “towers”, this residence hall was opened in 1970 but not formally dedicated and named until 1973. Edna F. Dickey, who taught History at Gorham from 1945 to 1972, was also Dean of Women from 1945 to 1969, a period of tremendous change both in society and on college campuses — from the days of parietals to co-ed dorms. Her performance in dealing with such changes was excellent. Esther E. Wood, who served from 1930 to 1973, taught the Social Sciences.
This residence hall opened in 2004.
This new residence hall, which opened in 2007, earned a Gold LEED rating.
Another example of the generosity of Frederick Robie, who contributed $7,000 of the $10,000 cost, the President’s House was built in 1906. Dr. Walter Russell, who succeeded Dr. William Corthell as Principal in 1905, was its first occupant and lived there until he retired in 1940.
This building has a funny history – it was erected in 1821 as a free meeting house because of the rivalries of two singing societies, the Haydns and the Handels, both vying for the singing seats in the old Congregational church. Needless to say, there was no way they could agree and the Haydns finally won out. Therefore, a subscription was started to build the free meeting house in which the Handels held the singing seats, regardless of what denomination was holding the service! In 1840, the Free Meeting House came into the possession of the town and, after removing the spire, installing the columns, and refitting the interior, it was used as the Town Hall until 1960, when it came to Gorham State Teachers College. It has been used as an Art Gallery since 1966. The Civil War Soldiers’ Monument in front was the gift to the town of Gorham of Toppan Robie (Frederick Robie’s father and the first Robie in Gorham), from whom the town had acquired the meeting house. Its cost was $2,000. He was a trustee of Gorham Academy for fifty years and was a large contributor to the town and the Congregational Church as well as to the Academy.
Built in 1931 and named for Dr. Walter E. Russell, principal of Gorham Normal School from 1905 to 1940, this was the only building erected on the campus between 1916 and 1955. The architect was Raymond Mayo of Portland. It provides the stage, auditorium, and offices for the Theatre Department.
The largest academic building on the campus, Bailey was built in three units. The first was the Science Wing, constructed in 1958, which contains classrooms, laboratories, and offices. It was followed in 1961 by the Library Wing, which contains classrooms, conference rooms, and faculty offices, as well as the separate two-story Library. The third and final unit, a classroom wing, opened in 1969. Dedication of the building to Dr. Francis L. Bailey, who served as the President of Gorham from 1940 to 1960, was conducted on November 17, 1959. Dr. Bailey’s administration saw the name of the institution changed from a Normal School to a State Teacher’s College in 1945.
This provided badly needed facilities on the Gorham Campus, since the small gym in Russell Hall was inadequate. It was built in 1963 and named for Warren G. Hill, a 1939 graduate of Gorham and a former Maine Commissioner of Education. The gym can seat 2,500 people. It has been enlarged to include the Ice Arena and the Field House.
This building, erected in 1965, houses the Industrial Arts program, one of the oldest special programs— established in 1911. The program inhabited several buildings in its lifetime, at one point being housed in the Academy Building. The Center houses, besides offices and classrooms for the industrial arts and vocational—industrial teacher education, all the necessary laboratories and facilities. After renovation in 2004, this was the first university building statewide to receive LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) Certification. The center has laboratories and classroom facilities for the College of Science, Technology and Health.
The center was named after Kenneth Brooks who served as President of Gorham State Teacher College, 1960 to 1968, then as President of the University of Maine at Gorham until 1970. In the student center you can find a bookstore, Campus Involvement and Activities, Dining Services, Greek Life Organizations and Student Life.
This project was begun on the Gorham Campus after around 175 trees were lost in an ice storm in 1998. The goal was not only to begin to replace the trees but also to increase the diversity of species for ecological and educational purposes. The Arboretum was officially recognized on Earth Day, 2001 and continues to expand. For more information, including a walking tour map, and photographs identifying some of the tree species on campus please click here.
ACADEMY BUILDING – Art Department Studios
ADMISSIONS HOUSE – Undergraduate Admissions, Transfer Affairs
19 COLLEGE AVENUE – University Environmental Health and Safety
28 HUSKY DRIVE – USM Public Safety
62 SCHOOL STREET – Multicultural Education Programs
128 SCHOOL STREET – Human Resources, Payroll System
Lewiston-Auburn College opened in 1988 as an academic unit which provided interdisciplinary education integrating liberal arts with workplace and community. Though the programs are now housed in different academic units of the University, the campus remains to serve the academic needs of Maine’s second-largest city. Physically the campus consists of one building, previously the Central Maine Tennis facility, which houses the library, administrative and faculty offices, classrooms, a café, and the Franco-American Collection. The campus also serves as a site for the University of Maine, Augusta.
Portland Junior College, which was established in 1933, held its classes in rented quarters until it purchased six acres of the old Deering estate in October, 1947. This was very historic land, having been obtained from Sir Ferdinando Gorges in 1637 and been involved in the Indian Wars. It was owned by the Brackett family for a very long time, sold to Noyes and later in 1802 to James Deering. The mansion which Deering built fell into such bad condition that it had to be torn down when the College purchased the land. Both the old carriage house (barn) and the farmhouse were on the land purchased. The College secured some Navy prefab buildings from the federal government which were ferried from Great Diamond Island in pieces and erected on the new campus. The “Barn” became the gym and the auditorium and provided a cafeteria, while the old farmhouse (built 1804) became the administration building. The prefab buildings provided classroom and library space. The last prefab building was taken down in September 1988. The “Barn” was also taken down.
The old farmhouse became the Alumni House. The building now houses the Interfaith Chaplaincy and Office of Community Service Learning.
The merger of Portland Junior College with the University of Maine in the summer of 1957 created the new institution of the University of Maine in Portland (UMP). Payson Smith Hall was the first building erected by the University, and was opened in 1960. Portland Junior College had been for men only (except in its early years) and because of a lack of facilities in the old buildings,women did not enter UMP until the completion of this building. It was named for Mr. Smith who was a well known Maine educator and who later became Commissioner of Education in Massachusetts.
As UMP grew, more space became a necessity. Bonney Hall provided five stories of classrooms, seminar rooms and office space as well as the 250-seat air-conditioned auditorium/lecture hall which was refurbished in 2006 and named the Gerald E. Talbot Lecture Hall. Dedicated on November 18, 1965, the building was named in honor of the Dean Emeritus, often called the Father of the Portland Campus. Luther Bonney had been instrumental in the founding of Portland Junior College from the very beginning in 1933 and became its Dean in 1938, serving until the merger in 1957. The entire building, classrooms and library, was designed by the Portland architectural firm of Wadsworth, Boston, Dimick, Mercer and Weatherill. Mr. Philip Wadsworth designed the main entrance and patio. The two-story wing of Luther Bonney Hall was built for the Library which moved from Payson Smith Hall in the fall of 1965. It remained the Library for twenty-eight years (very, very crowded in its last years there), until it moved into its new quarters in August of 1993. The space now serves as a computer lab.
This area includes the Abromson Community Education Center, The Wishcamper Center (Osher Lifelong Learning Institute and Muskie School of Public Service), The Glickman Family Library and Osher Map Library. The land between the library and Abromson Center was purchased by the USM Foundation from Portland Plastic Pipe.
The Abromson Center, which opened in 2005 as part of the University Commons, was designed by the architectural firm Einhorn Yaffee Prescott. The center includes classrooms and the Hannaford Lecture Hall as well as the covered Alumni Skywalk for pedestrian traffic across Bedford Street and a 1,200-car parking garage. It was named after former Portland mayor, city councilor and USM faculty member Linda Abromson and her late husband, state senator Joel Abromson. With its ‘green’ design the building was the first in Maine to earn LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) Certification at the Gold level.
The Wishcamper Center, named after Joe and Carol Wishcamper, opened in 2008 as part of the University Commons project. It houses two separate programs, The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute of Southern Maine and its National Resource Center and The Muskie School of Public Service.
Work began in the Fall of 1991 on what had been originally the National Biscuit Company building (100,000 sq. ft. of space), later owned by the Johnson Supply Company, from whom the University purchased it. Four of the seven stories were renovated (the remainder to be done as funds permit) and the Library opened in its new building on September 1, 1993 with official opening ceremonies October 3, 1993. The Library provides a variety of study areas, over 300,000 books, periodicals and government documents (both Federal and State), reference service, inter-library loans and bibliographic searching of computer databases. The remaining three floors were renovated and opened in 2004 and included a new facility for Special Collections. The first floor was renovated in 2009 to expand the Osher Map Library and create a new front entrance for the library.
In October, 1967 the Student Senate voted to look into the possibility of obtaining a piece of sculpture on a Viking theme to serve as the campus symbol. The Art Department was contacted and the Spring of 1968 brought a model of a sculpture by Mr. John Risley of Wesleyan University, called “The Viking Ship and the Midnight Sun”. After much discussion pro and con (some students wanted a 10’ tall statue of a Viking in full battle regalia), the Senate agreed to the model, and it was completed and received by December, 1969. A decision for its placement was finally made. The base was constructed and the Ship was ensconced in the outdoor court of Luther Bonney Hall.
These houses were acquired in 1968 to provide quarters for some of the Student Activities. They house the Student Senate and many student groups, as well as The University Free Press and the radio station, WMPG. Around the same time some other properties on Bedford and Chamberlain Streets and vicinity were purchased for use as office space and parking. 92 Bedford houses The University Free Press and the radio station, WMPG. In place of the Powers House the parking garage and Abromson Community Education Center now stand.
Two new buildings were under construction in 1968 and opened in 1969. The student body and the degree programs offered had increased so rapidly (from 300 day students in 1960 to approximately 1,200 day students in 1968) that the space and facilities were badly needed. The first of these, the Gymnasium, seats 2,800 and is used for many activities as well as spectator sports. It also provides classrooms, offices, the Portland Health Center, squash and handball courts, the Employee Wellness Program, Gym Operations, Outdoor Recreation and Police Department. The well-known Lifeline program was housed there until it closed at USM and moved to the Maine Medical Center in 2009. The architects were the same as for Luther Bonney, Wadsworth, Boston, Dimick, Mercer and Weatherill. In 1993 the building was named for James V. Sullivan, who served Athletics from 1960 to 1992.
The second building to open in 1969, this was dedicated December 10th. The architects for this building were Alonzo Harriman Associates of Auburn. It provides space and facilities for the Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Mathematics and Statistics, Computer Science, Physics, Psychology, and the Southworth Planetarium, a big drawing card for the community at large and public school systems. The Planetarium puts on excellent programs throughout the academic year. The projector in use has the capability of duplicating the appearance of the sky at any time of any year and from any location on the earth. It was donated by Mrs. Constant Southworth in memory of her husband. Constant Southworth was a prominent Portland publisher of the Southworth-Anthoensen Press. The wing of the Science Building was added in 1975.
The wing of the Science Building was added in 1975 and houses the Maine Center for Enterprise Development, Wise Environmental and Genetic Toxicology Laboratory, Research Administration and Development and Special Projects in Information and Innovation.
This is another building designed by the architectural firm of Wadsworth, Boston, Dimick, Mercer and Weatherill. It was opened in 1972. In addition to housing the University of Maine Law School and its excellent law library (the building was expanded in 1993 to provide the library more space), this building holds the Edmund S. Muskie Institute of Public Affairs, and the offices of the President and the Provost. The Moot Courtroom in the Law School is often used for special lectures by legal experts as well as its own purpose (the UM Law School has won many moot court competitions against other nationally recognized law schools).
This building was dedicated September 18, 1985. This had been the International Harvester Building and it was completely renovated by the architects Moore/Weinrich and Woodward of Brunswick. It houses the Cafeteria, the Office of Student Activities, meeting rooms, and lounges.
From 1987 to 2009, The Child Day Care Center operated at this location. This site now houses the Communication and Media Studies Production Center.
In the Spring of 1987, construction of a new classroom and office building began. It houses primarily the School of Nursing, with its administrative and faculty offices, classrooms, clinical practice rooms and a learning lab. It also houses the Social Work Department of the College of Arts and Sciences. It was dedicated in September, 1988 and named in honor of Robert R. and Nancy Masterton. The exterior sculpture is Patricia Campbell’s “Patterns of Origin I”, and the stained glass windows were designed and executed by Jim Miller. The building was designed by Earl R. Flansburg and Associates, and constructed by the George DiMatteo Company.
Formerly the Best Western Executive Inn, this was USM’s first Portland Campus dormitory, which opened in the Fall of 1988 at 645 Congress Street. It was sold in 2008, and part of the complex was demolished and rebuilt in 2009. The upper floors are currently rental apartments, with restaurants and retail on the ground floor.
15 BAXTER BOULEVARD – Office of Sponsored Programs, Office of Research Integrity and Outreach
25 BEDFORD STREET – Facilities Management, USM Recycles
94 BEDFORD STREET – Women and Gender Studies Department
98 BEDFORD STREET – History Department
102 BEDFORD STREET – Honors Program
106 BEDFORD STREET – Annual Giving, Development
118 BEDFORD STREET – Maine Center for Business and Economic Research, Center for Entrepreneurship
120 BEDFORD STREET – Sociology Department
126 BEDFORD STREET – Political Science Department
1 CHAMBERLAIN AVENUE – Criminology Department
7 CHAMBERLAIN AVENUE – Cooperative Extension
11 CHAMBERLAIN AVENUE – Economics Department
15 CHAMBERLAIN AVENUE – Cumberland County 4-H
19 CHAMBERLAIN AVENUE – Department of Communication and Media Studies
209 DEERING AVENUE – Human Resources
222 DEERING AVENUE – Office of Equity and Compliance, Stonecoast MFA Department
228 DEERING AVENUE – College of Communication, Culture and the Arts
39 EXETER STREET – Graduate Admissions
45 EXETER STREET – Graduate Studies, Institute for Family-Owned Business
47 EXETER STREET – Philosophy Department
49/51 EXETER STREET – ASL / Signed Language Research Lab
55/57 EXETER STREET – Under renovation.
59/61 EXETER STREET – Cumberland Legal Aid Clinic
65 EXETER STREET – Linguistics Department
11 GRANITE STREET – American and New England Studies Department, Classics Department