Private Lactation Rooms, sometimes called “Parenting Rooms,” are available on all three campuses for new parents for breastfeeding, chestfeeding, or milk pumping. These spaces should have a chair and an electrical outlet. These rooms are in close proximity to a sink. For more information on USM’s commitment to supporting parents, breastfeeding, and lactation, please get in touch with the Deputy Title IX Coordinator at 207-780-5767 or
Gorham Campus – 210 Bailey Hall. Check in at the circulation desk in the Bailey Hall Library for the room key and instructions (you will be required to leave your USM ID card in exchange for the key).
Lewiston Auburn Campus – The lactation room at LAC has moved to Room 208C, as of the Fall of 2020! For your first use, check in at the library’s circulation desk for instructions.
Portland Campus –
(A) Glickman Family Library. Check-in at the circulation desk on the first floor and request a swipe card that will give you access. The swipe card will need to be returned as soon as you are done.
(B) 045C Sullivan Gym. You will need your USM ID card to gain access to the gym – check in at the booth in the lobby. The Lactation room is on the lower level, across from the fitness center.
(C) 317 Wishcamper Center.
(D) Abromson Center – Abromson Center – 2nd floor, near the entrance to the parking garage (next to the vending machines). The room contains a table, chair, electrical outlet, and refrigerator. Please note that the door is locked. For access, see a staff member at the information desk on the first floor or a member of the conference staff.
(E) McGoldrick Career and Student Success Center – Room 309, next to the Student Diversity Center and the Prayer and Meditation Room. The door has a lock that indicates its availability. The room contains a sink, comfortable chair, electrical outlet, and refrigerator.
(F) Maine Law School – 2nd Floor of 300 Fore Street. Any questions or concerns can be directed to the Dean of Students office.
Some Programs or Offices may have spaces set up for their employees and students to use for pumping or breastfeeding/chestfeeding. Please check in with the administrative office for the program to find out. If you encounter any difficulties with these Lactation or Parenting Rooms, or you need support as a pregnant, or breastfeeding/chestfeeding parent, please reach out to the Deputy Title IX Coordinator for USM, Sarah E. Holmes.
Many restrooms on campus have changing tables in them. We hope to install more of them in All Gender Bathrooms on campus. If you find a space that needs one, let us know!
Tags: lactation station, lactation room, breastfeeding, breastfeeding station, breast feeding room, chest feeding, chestfeeding, parenting room