Welcome to USM Army ROTC – Decide to Lead and Graduate a Leader!

Welcome to the Army Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC) at USM — Wildcat Battalion, Bravo Company.  With an office located at 134 School Street on the Gorham Campus, this Army ROTC satellite continues its programmatic affiliation with the University of New Hampshire.  The growth of interest and continued commitment of our Cadet Corps over the past few years has been significant and has led to an increase in the breadth of course options available to Cadets on the USM campus.  



Our Mission At USM

It is our mission to mold motivated young students into the future leaders of the United States Army.  Upon graduation, ROTC cadets commission as officers in the Active Duty Army, the National Guard, and the US Army Reserve forces. In ROTC, Cadets can expect to conduct Physical Training three times a week; participate in classroom studies on tactics, ethics, problem-solving strategies, and leadership; conduct hands-on learning in the aforementioned areas as well as follower-ship, basic tactical movements, and weapons maintenance and qualification.