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The Toll Road North: Book Club Meeting
The Franco-American Collection at the University of Southern Maine invites you to join us on Monday, November 13, 2023 at 6 pm for a book talk with local author Peggy DeBlois. The event will be a reading, discussion and Q & A. Peggy’s presentation and readings will discuss fiction incorporating memories, strong women, French names and identity. There is no fee for our programs, which are made possible by the Québec Delegation in Boston.
Interested in reading the book before the event? Join us for our book club! Ahead of Peggy’s event on November 13th, anyone interested can plan to borrow the book from their local library or purchase the book through Peggy’s website: https://www.peggyldeblois.com/, or at Quiet City Books in downtown Lewiston! Then, the book club will meet via Zoom on November 6, 2023 at 6 pm to discuss the book and develop questions to ask Peggy at the event on November 13th. The Zoom link for the November 6th book club meeting is: https://maine.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZItduCprj0rG9Vq8aeWRd-K-B061XqP4r6J
For more information or to register for this event, contact the FAC archivist, Anna Faherty at anna.faherty@maine.edu or by phone (207) 753-6545. If you have questions about disability access or need to request disability accommodations (e.g. sign language interpreters, materials in electronic format, etc.), please contact Anna. Requests should be made as soon as possible to allow sufficient time for the accommodation process.