New Faculty Orientation (NFO)
New Faculty Orientation is provided for all new full-time faculty throughout the Academic Year. Topics covered include the practical (HR, benefits), and professional (advising, research, committees, promotion and tenure); The NFO committee is here to help set you up for all issues that help new faculty find a home at USM and prepare them to be ready for success!
Communities of Practice (CPs)
Communities of Practice are both discussion and action-oriented groups made up of faculty and staff interested in a common topic. CP members meet and collaborate to develop skills, knowledge, and understanding for professional growth, innovation, and problem solving.
Reading & Reflection Groups
Reading & Reflection Groups offer “common read” opportunities for USM faculty and staff for the purposes of professional growth, innovation, problem solving, and community building.
Reflective Teaching Partnerships
By Design, This program provides faculty an opportunity to gain new perspectives, insights, and strategies associated with their teaching in a low-key, non-judgmental context.
(Live and via Zoom)
The CCD hosts workshops that foster faculty and staff development, collaboration, learning, and community. Any current USM faculty or staff member can submit a concept for a workshop to the CCD for a workshop topic to be considered.
Gap Funding and Mini-Grants
Gap Funding & Mini-Grants are available to cover costs associated with scholarship and creative activity for Faculty subject to approval and available funds.