The Core Curriculum is based on our Vision, Goals and Outcomes for general education at the University of Southern Maine. The Vision and Goals state that
General education at the University of Southern Maine is a coherent, integrative and rigorous liberal education that will enable our graduates to be world-minded, intentional, life-long learners. General education engages the academic community in substantive learning experiences that both illuminate and transcend the perspectives of various disciplines, and systematically fosters the values and dispositions, knowledge, and skills essential for students to demonstrate
- Informed understandings of interrelationships between human cultures and the natural world;
- Analytical, contextual, and integrative thinking about complex issues;
- Effective communication using multiple forms of expression;
- Critical reflection upon, and informed action in, their roles as participants in multiple communities; and
- Ethical action to contribute to the social and environmental welfare of local and global communities.
Vision, Goals and Outcomes of General Education at the University of Southern Maine
Core requirements and learning outcomes are designed to help students achieve the Vision.
Requirement Learning Outcomes
Writing, Reading, and Inquiry
Quantitative Reasoning
Creative Expression
Cultural Interpretation
Science Exploration
Socio-cultural Analysis
Culture, Power, and Equity
Ethical Inquiry, Social Responsibility, and Citizenship
Engaged Learning