Kohli, H., & Fineran, S., (2019). "If they misbehaved, we took a stick to discipline them" : Refugee mothers' struggles raising children in the United States. Child & Family Social Work. DOI:10.1111/cfs.12705.
Kohli. H., & Fineran, S., (2019). "The rain grows plants, the thunder does not" : Refugee and asylee womens' narratives on child abuse and neglect. Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies, DOI:10.1080/15562948.2019.163.9874.
Gruber, J.E, & Fineran, S. (2008). Comparing the Impact of Bullying and Sexual Harassment Victimization on the Mental and Physical Health of Adolescents.
Sex Roles, 59, (1-2), 1-13.
Gruber, J.E., & Fineran, S. (2007). The impact of bullying and sexual harassment on middle school and high school girls. Violence Against Women, 13, (2), 627-643.
Fineran, S., & Bolen, R.M. (2006). Risk factors for peer sexual harassment in schools. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 21, 1169- 1190.
Fineran, S., Bennett, L. & Sacco, T. (2003). Peer sexual harassment and peer violence among adolescents in Johannesburg and Chicago. International Social Work Journal. 46, (3), 391-405.
Fineran, S., Bolen, R.M., Urban-Keary, M. & Zimmerman, L. (2003). Sharing common ground: Learning about oppression through an experiential game. Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment, 6, (4), 1-19.
Fineran, S. (2002). Adolescents at work: Gender issues and sexual harassment. Violence Against Women, 8, (8), 953-967.
Fineran, S. (2002). Sexual harassment between same-sex peers: The intersection of mental health, homophobia, and sexual violence in schools. Social Work. 47, (1), 65-74.
Paludi, M., Martin, J., Gruber, J., & Fineran, S. (Eds.). (2015). Sexual harassment, education and work: Current theories, research and best practices for prevention,CT: Praeger Publishers.
Book Chapters
Fineran, S. (2016). Teaching an online course on Sexual Harassment. In M.Paludi (Ed.) Campus Action Against Sexual Assault: Needs, Policies, Procedures, and Training Programs. CT: Praeger Publishers.
Fineran, S., (2015). Bullying and peer sexual harassment in schools. In C.R. Massat, (Ed.), School social work: Practice, policy, and research (8th Edition). Chicago: Lyceum.
Fineran, S. (2015). Teaching an online course on Sexual Harassment. In M. Paludi, J. Martin, J. Gruber, & S. Fineran. (Eds.) Sexual Harassment, Education and Work: Current theories, Research and Best Practices for prevention,CT: Praeger Publishers.
Gruber, J.E., & Fineran, S. (2010). Bullying and Sexual Harassment of Adolescents. In M. Paludi (Ed.) Feminism and Women's Rights Worldwide,CT:Praeger Publishers
Fineran, S., & Gruber, J.E. (2008). Sexual harassment and mental health. In M. Paludi (Ed.) The psychology of women at work: Challenges and solutions for our female workforce. Westport, CT: Greenwood Publishing Group.
Fineran, S. (2008). Same-sex sexual harassment. In J. Edleson & C. Renzetti (Eds). Encyclopedia of Interpersonal Violence. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Fineran, S., McDonald, S., & Constable, R. (2008). Bullying, and sexual harassment in schools: Pathways to assessment. In R. Constable, C.R. Massat, S. McDonald, & J.P. Flynn (Eds.), School social work: Practice, policy, and research (7th Edition). Chicago: Lyceum.