Kelly Hrenko, PhD


  • Professor of Art Education
  • Associate Dean, College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences

white woman with short dark brown hair, dark blue thick rimmed glasses, and gray shirt smiling

Robie-Andrews Hall, Room 10, Gorham

228 Deering Ave., Portland


  • PhD Art Education, University of Minnesota
  • BFA Art Education, Southern Illinois University

Research Interests

  • Culture Based Arts
  • American Indian Arts Curricula
  • Arts Integration and Multimodal Arts Education

Dr. Hrenko’s current scholarship is within the field of integrated arts and multimodal creative literacies. She uses her position as a teacher educator in the visual arts as a place where several intersections occur; between art and culture, community and school; and interdisciplinary education. She comes from the Midwest where she worked in public and Native American BIA schools, assisting k-12 teachers as they work to integrate the visual arts and Native cultures across curricula.


Selected Publications

Hrenko, K. & Paul, M. (Spring 2017). Decolonizing vacationland. In Staikidis and Ballengee-Morris (Eds.),Transforming Our Practices: American Indian Art, Pedagogies, and Philosophies. Reston, VA: NAEA Press.

Hrenko, K. & Dalton, J. (2016). Indigenous Communities + ELL Students + Pre-Service Teacher Education = 3 Ways of Enacting Change through Place Based Education. The International Journal of Arts Education. The Arts and Society Press. 

Hrenko, K. (2014) The intersection of Indigenous cultures, visual arts and creative writing. Journal of the American Association for Teaching and Curriculum, 16 (1&2) 9-20.

Hrenko, K., & Stairs, A. (2012). Creative literacy: A new space for pedagogical understanding. [Special issue on Writing Across the Secondary School Curriculum] Across the Disciplines, 9(3). Retrieved January 17, 2013, from

Bequette, J., & Hrenko, K. (2010). Culture-based arts education. In Jon Reyhner, Willard Sakiestewa Gilbert, &Louise Lockard (Eds.), Honoring our heritage: Culturally appropriate approaches to teaching indigenous students. Flagstaff, AZ: Northern Arizona University Press.

white woman with short dark brown hair, dark blue thick rimmed glasses, and gray shirt smiling

Robie-Andrews Hall, Room 10, Gorham

228 Deering Ave., Portland


  • PhD Art Education, University of Minnesota
  • BFA Art Education, Southern Illinois University

Research Interests

  • Culture Based Arts
  • American Indian Arts Curricula
  • Arts Integration and Multimodal Arts Education