“Tune In Tuesdays” are informational sessions that the Orientation & First Year Experience team hosts throughout the summer so that incoming students can learn more about things like building class schedules, living on campus, financial aid, and more!

Please check out our schedule for the Tune-in Tuesday sessions our team will host throughout the summer!

Orientation presents:
Tune in Tuesdays are optional zoom sessions filled with helpful information for incoming Huskies! See our summer ‘24 schedule:
June 18th: ACS Appointments and the New Student Course Learn how to navigate the New Student Course and what to expect during your Advising and Course selection appointment! 
June 25th: Navigating Mainestreet and the Student Center Learn how MaineStreet and the Student Center work, and how to locate important webpages! 
July 2nd: Understanding Financial Aid Understand your financial aid package, FAFSA, and loan options! 
July 9th: Set Yourself up for Success Learn about the Learning Commons at USM and how to be a student (such as study skills, time management, and more)! 
July 16th: Making Connections Nervous about making friends at college? We’ll give you some tips for making new friends and getting involved on campus! 
July 23rd: Student Employment Learn about all the different ways you can be employed on campus! 
July 30th: Navigating our Campuses Learn about the Portland Campus and Gorham Campus, along with navigating the Husky Bus! 
August 6th: Open Forum Q&A Pop in and ask your last minute burning questions! August 20th: Living on Campus Join Residence Life to learn all about what to expect & prepare for Move In Day!
We hope to see you there!
Zoom links will be sent to your @maine.edu inbox shortly before each session begins!
Questions? Email usm.orientation@maine.edu

The Zoom link for Tune in Tuesday will be posted by June 17th.