The University of Southern Maine (USM) School of Business embraces experiential learning by providing opportunities for both undergraduate and graduate students to apply skills learned in the classroom to real-world problems faced by businesses from the surrounding community. These faculty-supervised activities allow students to obtain hands-on experience, while providing valuable consulting services to local businesses.
The following list includes just some of the more than 200 area businesses and organizations that USM students and faculty have worked with in recent semesters, through internships, project work and more. The group includes the nationally known, such as Unum, LL Bean, TD Bank, Boston Bruins, Prudential, Trader Joe’s and AARP, plus regional businesses such as AAA Northern New England, Garrand Advertising, Bath Savings Institution, Allagash Brewing, Portland Sea Dogs, Macpage LLC and Mercy Hospital.
USM continues to pursue collaborative opportunities such as these throughout the region and beyond, benefitting both students and the surrounding community.
In one such example, Fortune 500 insurance company, Unum, recently partnered with USM to launch their Unum scholars program here in Maine. USM students are employed part-time with flexible schedules to be able to continue their studies, while gaining valuable job training, as well as the inside track to full-time careers. The students are also providing valuable insights to Unum’s management and customers.
“Not only is this program a great alternative recruiting strategy — we gain a terrific talent pool — but we also provide students with meaningful work and compensation,” said Unum Director of Service Operations, Tony Bombassi. “The work they do every day will be valuable experience for them whether they work at Unum or pursue other endeavors. We are allowing the students to apply academia to the real world.”
USM’s Business and Organizational Partnerships in Maine and Beyond
- a3 Athletics
- AAA Northern New England
- AARP Foundation
- Acadia Insurance
- Albin, Randall and Bennett
- Allagash Brewing
- Arlberg Ski & Surf
- Austin Associates, P.A.
- Back in Motion Physical Therapy
- Baker | Newman | Noyes
- Bank of America
- Bank of Maine
- Barton Mortgage Corporation
- Bath Savings Institution
- Baxter Brewing
- Bayside Bowling
- Bear Essential Fitness, Saco, ME
- Berry Dunn
- Berry Talbot Royer
- Blue Heron Capital
- Boston Bruins
- Boston Celtics
- Bull Moose Music
- Casco Bay Sports
- Cash Star
- CEI Ventures, Inc.
- Chimera Securities
- Chipotle Grill LAC
- Close Buy Office
- Coastal Enterprises, Inc.
- Common Dreams
- Contech Engineered Solutions
- Cross Professional Associates
- Crotched Mountain Golf Club
- Cultivating Community/Portland Public Schools
- Cummings, Lamont & McNamee, P.A.
- Dawson, Smith, Purvis & Bassett PA
- Disney Corporation
- EcoHome Studio
- Emery Waterhouse Company
- Erik Hayward
- Evergreen Credit Union
- FairPoint Communications
- Finance Industry Regulatory Authority
- Fireside Inn & Suites
- Garrand Advertising
- General Reinsurance
- Georgia State Games
- Gingko Blue Nightclub
- Giving Strong/REM Energy
- GMP Sports Advisory
- Gorham Events Board
- Gorham Parks & Rec
- Gregory Marshall Mayoral Candidate
- Guaranteed Rate Loans
- Hamburg Coffee Company
- HankFit247
- Hannaford Bros
- Harris & Vickers CPA
- Headgames Salon & Spa
- Herodes Financial, P.A.
- HOT 104.7
- Hyperlite Mountain Gear
- Iberdrola USA Mgt. Corp.
- Joseph A. Keaney CPA, LLC, PA
- Kamasouptra
- Key Private Bank
- Kraft Foods Inc.
- Kuffs Jeans
- L.L. Bean, Inc.
- Lafayette’s Oceanfront Resort
- Lee Toyota/Nissan of Topsham
- LL Bean
- Local Thunder
- Luvgear
- Macpage LLC
- Maine Elite Basketball Club
- Maine Gold & Silver
- Maine Hard Cider
- Maine International Trade Center
- Maine Oxy Products
- Maine Red Claws
- Maine Space Grant Consortium
- Maine State Golf Association, Inc.
- Maine Tax Professionals
- Marriott Hotel Fire & Water Restaurant
- Marshall & Libby, LLC
- McLeod | Ascanio
- ME State Lottery
- Mercy Hospital VNA
- Merriconeag Waldorf School
- Mondelez International
- Motorola Solutions
- MSBDC/Massachusetts Export Center
- Neshobe Golf Course
- Northwestern Mutual
- Norton Insurance Financial
- NW Mutual Financial Network
- Oakhurst Dairy
- Oasis Night Club
- Octagon Olympic & Action Sports
- Old Orchard Beach Ballpark
- P&H Contracting
- Pam Dodd Agency
- Papa John’s Pizza
- Pepsi Beverages Company
- Pineland Farms Cheese
- Pinnacle Vodka
- Portland Country Club
- Portland Ovations
- Portland Pirates
- Portland Sea Dogs
- Portsmouth Naval Shipyard
- Preservation Management Inc.
- Primerica
- Prudential
- Prudential Financial
- RaveX Motorsports
- Restaurant Supply Deliveries
- Reverb
- Rinck Advertising
- Romeo’s Italian Pizza
- Runyon Kersteen Ouellette
- Samoset Resort Golf Course
- SeaAir Scents
- Seabags LLC
- Sherwin Williams
- Shipyard Brewing
- Siano’s Pizza
- Sleeping Dogs Lie, LLC
- Smiling Hill Farm Products
- Springfield College
- Stafford Advisors
- Starbucks Blonde Roast Coffee
- State Street Theater
- Sterling Rope Company
- Street to Heat Veterans Project
- Sugarloaf Ski Resort
- Swarovski
- Sweetser Services
- TD Bank
- The Animal Refuge League of Greater Portland
- The Jacman Group
- The Mexico Chicken Coop
- Tooth Protectors
- Top Flight Financial
- Trader Joe’s
- Turtle Love Co.
- TX Roadhouse
- Unum
- Urban Farm Fermentory
- USM Campus Ventures
- USM Free Press
- USM Ice Arena
- USM Student & University Life
- USM-Costello Fitness Center
- Valley Motors
- Volunteers of America Northern New England
- Waves Oceanfront Resort
- WEX, Inc
- WG Tech
- Wright-Ryan Construction, Inc.
- Zip Cars