NSB Banner
US Department of Energy. NSB: National Science Bowl. A competition like no other

The U.S. Department of Energy National Science Bowl®

The USM STEM Outreach program is thrilled to host the National Science Bowl – Maine High School Regional on the USM-Portland Campus. The National Science Bowl has a long history at USM – haven been hosted on the USM-Gorham campus for many years. After a hiatus from 2019-2024, we are excited to bring the competition back in-person for our Maine high school participants.

What is the National Science Bowl? From the DOE’s website:
“The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) National Science Bowl® is a nationwide academic competition that tests students’ knowledge in all areas of science and mathematics. Middle and high school student teams from diverse backgrounds are comprised of four students, one alternate, and a teacher who serves as an advisor and coach. These teams face-off in a fast-paced question-and-answer format, being tested on a range of science disciplines including biology, chemistry, Earth science, physics, energy, and math.”

Find out more about National Science Bowl and the National Finals competition here: https://science.osti.gov/wdts/nsb

2025 Competition Quick Facts:

February 8th, 2025 from 8:30am to 4:00pm

USM-Portland Campus, Luther Bonney Hall
85 Bedford Street, Portland, ME 04103


USM Parking Services

USM STEM Outreach

Our Sponsors

Generous support of our program & mission provided by:

Woodard & Curran

Maine Turnpike Authority

Maine Section of American Society of Engineers

Event Volunteers

Help needed!

This is an exciting, challenging, and fun event for Maine high school students from across the state – and they need your help! This event relies on the help of skilled & enthusiastic youth & adult volunteer participants – including you!

There are many roles that volunteers hold at the competition, including:

  • Moderators
  • Question Judges
  • Rules Judges
  • Timekeepers
  • Scorekeepers
  • Admin/Information Booth
  • Runners/Floaters

No experience required – we provide training for all volunteers to feel confident & successful in their roles. Please fill out the linked “Volunteer Google Form” below to get started!