WGS and the Core Curriculum

USM students can complete a significant part of the general education core curriculum by taking Women and Gender Studies courses:

  • WGS 101: Introduction to Women & Gender Studies
  • WGS 201: Rethinking Gender and Culture
  • WGS 380: Politics of Difference
  • WGS 390: Contemporary Feminist Theories
  • WGS 380: Politics of Difference
  • WGS 201: Rethinking Gender & Culture
  • WGS 390: Contemporary Feminist Theories
  • WGS 101: Introduction to Women & Gender Studies

Many Women and Gender Studies crosslisted courses also satisfy either the Diversity or the International requirement and a WGS minor can be used to satisfy the “Cluster” requirement.  For more information and advising, please contact the Women & Gender Studies office at wgs@maine.edu or 207-780-4289.

Gender Studies Student Organization

Be loud and take up space!

The Gender Studies Student Organization is a group for students who are interested in gender and intersectional feminist politics and committed to working towards social justice. Gender Studies explores the nature of gender, and its intersection with other forms of difference and power, including class, race, ethnicity, ability, sexuality and religion. As a group, we will come together to discuss, act upon, and organize various forms of feminist actions. We will do activities that combine feminist praxis with leisure and discussion. We also may focus on how curriculum is built and the behind-the scenes of important meetings with faculty.

We are anti-racist, queer-friendly, accepting of all religions, and open to all students!

For more information: wgs@maine.edu | 94 Bedford St, Portland campus

Women and Gender Studies Newsletter

WGS Newsletters are produced in the Fall semester! Stop by the WGS house at 94 Bedford St., Portland campus to pick one up in person or email clara.perka@maine.edu for a PDF.