Writing services provide information and support to all USM students for any writing assignment at any level. Like any tutoring, the goal of an appointment with a Writing Assistant is to help students build skills for future assignments, projects, and tests. Just as our Subject-Based tutors can help students find answers instead of providing them, Writing Assistants do the same. The biggest difference is that writing “tests” are often assignments that unfold over time. Writing a research article, a lab report, or even an e-mail, may require multiple steps you can’t complete all at once. These writing tasks measure both how well someone can write, but how well they can organize and revisit ideas. What you write has more consequences than just a grade; it affects relationships and professional opportunities.

Writing assistants are trained peers – undergraduate and graduate students – with strong writing skills who can help you improve your writing. Our tutors have a range of academic majors including Chemistry, Spanish, Business, Political Science, and English.