Teacher Leadership | Blended

Program Type
Master’s Program
Master of Science in Education (MSEd)
Mode of Study

Tuition & fees

Costs include tuition & fees. See cost details

Credit hours

30 required credit hours. Most courses are equal to 3 credit hours. Browse course list

Financial aid

Over 150 graduate assistantships available with stipend & tuition assistance, plus scholarship, fellowship & research opportunities. Explore aid


No GRE required. Apply for fall, spring, or summer term. View application process & deadlines

Program highlights

  • Take advantage of flexibility in our blended program, which includes a mix of in-person and online courses.
  • Earn your degree on your terms: Study full-time and finish in as few as 2 years or study part-time and finish in up to 4 years.
  • Develop classroom leadership skills in curriculum, assessment, and instruction.
  • Learn from EdD and PhD faculty who have experience as practicing K-12 teachers and administrators.
  • Tailor the program to meet your career goals by designing a concentration in the focus area of your choice.
  • Complete an in-depth capstone project in the area of teaching and learning.

Expected career outcomes

Three graduate students talk to each other while walking on the USM Gorham campus.

Choose your concentration

You can design your own concentration or choose to earn a graduate certificate in Literacy Education, Assistant Principal, or Gifted and Talented Education.

A teacher instructs two students using a large note pad.

Program requirements

Our program is designed to cultivate and strengthen teacher leadership by increasing knowledge, deepening practices, and developing leadership skills in curriculum, instruction, and assessment.

An aerial view of the University of Southern Maine Gorham campus.

Faculty expertise

Our faculty have extensive leadership experience in K-12 teaching and administration. They also regularly present at regional and national conferences and publish their research findings in books and journal articles.

A graduate student stands in front of a table where staff are answering questions and typing on laptops. Behind her are several more graduate students facing the table.

Graduate student support

Our Office of Graduate Studies connects you with opportunities for professional development, scholarships, and graduate assistantships. They also foster our graduate student community through Peer Mentorship and the Graduate Student Board.

Browse resources
Two women sit at a table and review paperwork together.

Scholarship opportunities

Scholarships offer financial aid that doesn’t need to be repaid. We encourage students in graduate degree programs to apply for scholarship opportunities.

A man sits at a table and types on a laptop.

Connect with us

Our monthly Graduate Information Sessions are an excellent way to learn more about the benefits of our program, as well as our admissions and financial process.

Register today

Frequently Asked Questions

In this program, you’ll cultivate and strengthen your teacher-leadership skills through disciplined study.

Three teachers sit at a table. Two look at a laptop together.

Looking for more flexibility?

Our Teacher Leadership program is also available in an accelerated online format.

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Next steps

Our graduate admissions counselors are here to answer your questions about the admissions process, our academic programs, and student support services.

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A student sits at a table and writes on a stack of papers.

Admission information: MSEd in Teacher Leadership | Blended

The information below is for our MSEd in Teacher Leadership with a blended mode of study, which includes a mix of in-person and online classes. If you are interested in the fully online program please review the Online Teacher Leadership MSEd Admission Information.

Application deadlines

We accept applications on a rolling basis and review them continuously.

Application deadlineFall term startSpring term startSummer term start
FinalAugust 1December 15April 15
International applicantsJune 1October 15Not available

Applicant must have a bachelor’s degree and have earned a cumulative grade point average of 2.5 (on a 4.0 scale) in a baccalaureate degree program; Applicants who do not have a 2.5 overall GPA must enclose a letter asking for special consideration, in which they provide evidence of an ability to complete graduate studies successfully. Without such a letter, applicants who fail to meet eligibility requirements may be automatically denied. Applicants must hold a bachelor’s or master’s degree from an accredited college or university. Exceptions to this policy will be considered on a case-by-case basis and are up to the discretion of the admitting program.

In addition to the regular requirements of graduate admission, applicants to the professional educator program must submit proof of teacher certification. The certification can be in any area and/or from any state. Practicing educators in private schools or other settings that do not require state certification are exempt from this requirement.

Applicants are required to provide the following materials:

General requirements

  • Application: Online application
  • Application fee:
    • In-state, out-of-state, and Canadian applicants: Free to apply
    • International applicants: Submit US $50 fee to apply
  • Transcripts: Official transcripts from all colleges or universities attended, excluding the seven campuses of the University of Maine System (UMS transcripts are accessible to USM). A transcript is official when sent directly from the institution.
  • Resume: Submit a resume or CV that outlines professional, volunteer, and community experience.
  • Students whose first language is not English may be required to take one of the following: Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) or the Pearson Test of English (PTE) or Duolingo. Applicants must submit official scores as part of the application process. See additional information regarding test scores and requirements.

Additional requirements

  • Essay: Teaching is a learning profession. “When teachers stop learning, so do their students.” (Roland Barth). How do you envision yourself as a teacher and a learner in the Professional Educator program?
  • Proof of teacher certification: See details below.

About proof of teacher certification

  • The evidence should be a copy of your teacher certification from the state in which you are certified. Teacher certification must be at the level of provisional or professional, and not at the level of conditional certification.
  • This program requires that students are certified teachers at the time of admission and for the duration of the program.
  • Students seeking an exemption to this requirement must write a request for a waiver that includes both an explanation and justification for the request.
  • Submit your proof of teacher certification or request for a waiver along with your application materials to edocs@maine.edu.

Transfer Credit

Previously completed graduate courses may be approved for transfer into a graduate program within the professional educator program if credits for the courses were earned no more than five years prior to matriculation, with grades of B or better. A syllabus for each course submitted for transfer credit must be provided upon application. Credits proposed for transfer may not have been used to qualify for a previously earned degree.

For previous work completed through the University of Maine System, up to twelve credits may be accepted if the courses meet the requirements above and are equivalent to core courses or elective courses in the relevant USM program of study. Up to six graduate credits completed at institutions outside of the University of Maine System may be accepted if the courses meet the requirements above and are equivalent to core courses or elective courses in the relevant USM program of study.

Transfer of more than twelve University of Maine System credits or six non-University of Maine System credits may be approved by the program coordinator and faculty. These credits may include certificate of graduate study program courses and professional development in-service graduate courses. Requests for the transfer of credits taken more than five years prior to matriculation may also be evaluated and approved by the program coordinator and faculty.