one person sitting at a table with a laptop

Online Brightspace Orientation

Newly matriculated students are being added to the USM Graduate Student Online Brightspace Orientation every week. From ordering textbooks to navigating library resources, this space is designed to give you an overview of what – and who – you need to know to get started in your graduate studies at USM. Use your credentials to access all the info!

a black graduate cap with gold tassel sits atop a $100 dollar bill, as well as other dollar bills of various denominations

Graduate Student Scholarships

Looking for ways to fund your graduate degree? The Office of Graduate Studies Scholarship application is open and accepting submissions for the 2025-2026 academic year. Apply by May 1.

a person sits at a desk while they hold a pen to an open book

Graduate Fellowships

The Office of Graduate Studies and Graduate Research Opportunity (GRO) Program have a number of graduate fellowships available for the 2025-26 academic year. Applications close March 31, so be sure to check out our breakdown of the eligibility, application, and participation requirements!