Our Counseling Center provides psychoeducational workshops and support groups. These offerings change each semester, so check back often to see if there is something that interests you.
All of our groups are FREE to enrolled students

Stress Optimization and Recovery Group
Are you feeling stressed? Good! Stress is a normal part of life and feeling stressed is a sign that you are probably pushing yourself and growing. On the other hand, feeling stressed isn’t always very pleasant, nor is our capacity to handle stress limitless. That’s where this four week group psychoeducational experience comes in.
In this group you’ll learn about what stress is and how it impacts you — both positively and negatively. You’ll learn about why your ability to tolerate stress is limited, and you’ll learn two strategies to help you better handle stress. The first is stress optimization which is a way to get more personal growth out of the stress you experience. The second is stress recovery which is a strategy for resetting your stress level after experiencing a challenge. At the end of this experience you should expect to feel more easeful, confident and in control of your daily life and the stress you face.
This psychoeducational group is available for 6-10 USM students to participate and will run one time only. It will take place on Mondays from 2:30pm-4:00pm on the Gorham Campus. Currently it is planned to take place from October 28th through November 25th.
For more information and to sign up, contact Owen Hill, Intern Clinical Mental Health Counselor, at owen.hill@maine.edu

Body Image Reflection Group
This 6 week group aims to create a supportive environment for participants to explore and process their thoughts and feelings regarding their body image. Through shared experiences, activities, and discussions, we hope to foster self-acceptance and decrease the stigma around communicating about our bodies. This group will take place on Thursdays from 2:00pm-3:00pm on the Gorham Campus starting October 24th.
Important Note: This group is not a space for discussing weight loss or dieting. Our focus is on exploring and improving body image, not on altering body size or engaging in conversations about restrictive eating or weight management strategies.
Brooks Frank: LCSW and USM Clinical Counselor
Julie Blair: Clinical Mental Health Counseling Intern
For more information and to sign up, contact Julie Blair, Intern Clinical Mental Health Counselor, at juliealyce.blair@maine.edu
Click here to view an archive of groups and workshops we have run in the past!