This course is a fast-paced introduction to computer programming for solving practical problems, taught in Python, a modern object-oriented dynamic computer language. It is also appropriate for students with a programming background who want to pick up Python. The course format is in-person. There is a “lab” in which pairs of students tackle predefined lab-specific assignments. The course teaches how to represent aggregates of data, process data selectively and repetitively, structure programs with functions, and use predefined libraries to acquire, manage, visualize, and perform fundamental analysis of sets of data. Lots of hands-on programming, both individually and with a partner. Prerequisites: MAT 108 or permission of the instructor. Credits: 4.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this course, students will be able to:

  • Apply the basic operations that Python supports and how it supports them, including iteration, choice, definition, and invocation of functions and input and output.
  • Analyze a problem, conceive a solution as a computer program, and implement that program.
  • Function effectively on teams to accomplish a program solution.
  • Identify, find, and fix errors in computer programs.
  • Read Python code and supporting documentation.


Python Programming: an Introduction to Computer Science (3rd ed.), John Zelle (Franklin, Beedle & Associates).


Fall 2022


Fall Semester